Chapter 20

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Nash hadn't seen Chloe in days. She'd come to class and to the Elites building, but she'd never meet his eyes. Every time he entered a room, she'd leave in a hurry, almost seeming afraid of him and it stung. But, it was his fault. He shouldn't have kissed her. He shouldn't have pushed. But from what Sophia told him, Chloe would open up; she just needed time and he'd wait. For once he wouldn't push her, he'd wait until she was ready.

Nash walked towards the cafeteria, heading down the empty hallways of the Elites building. School had already ended and he was sure he was the only Elite still there, but he was hungry so he wandered to their cafeteria, hoping to grab some snacks before he went home. But then he heard someone hissing. In a low, dark hushed voice, the person hissed at a girl who whimpered.

"Quit the Elites." Nash jolted at the sound of Thomas' voice. The closer he got to the cafeteria, the louder his voice got. "Else be prepared to lose everything you have. Your scholarships, your friendships, everything you worked for. Just quit and give up your spot to someone else."

"Why are you doing this?" Nash's heart pounded at Chloe's voice. "We've done nothing to you. We earned these spots on our own. What's with these threats!"

"Because you don't understand! Imagine working so hard and you're still not good enough! That your parents are disappointed because you're not one of the bests. That you don't get scholarships because you're not the top five, you're sixth. This Elites system isn't fair! Why should only five people get special treatment when I know I'm good enough, I'm just ranked sixth and didn't make the cut."

Nash found himself hesitating. This was the first time he'd ever heard Thomas confess what was truly bothering him and he found himself understanding, to his disappointment. Being ranked sixth must suck. Before, Nash had even hated being second, and he was an Elite, so he understood Thomas' resentment. But, he wouldn't let him hurt Chloe.

Nash rushed towards the cafeteria and threw the doors open. Thomas had Chloe cornered against the wall, her back pressed flat against it. Thomas was his height - so much taller than her and Nash ignited. He stomped towards Thomas and yanked him back, surprising both Thomas and Chloe who were entirely alone in the cafeteria, and Thomas stumbled away from Chloe.

Nash moved to stand in front of Chloe who's eyes widened at the sight of him. She continued to tremble against the wall and Nash's curled his hands into fists. He wanted nothing more than to pummel Thomas. He was sick of him and the way he treated his fellow Elites, but he couldn't risk getting in trouble.

"What are you doing threatening Chloe?" Nash spat. "You're reaching a low point, Thomas. You're not going to get what you want like this."

"You don't undersand, Nash. You have everything. You're rich. Spoiled. Arrogant. You will never understand what it's like to have to grovel for what you want."

Thomas stood there glaring at Nash. The cafeteria lights were dimmed and lunch tables littered the room. At one end was the counter with a fridge and bakery behind hit, and Nash stepped towards Thomas. Don't fight him, he reminded himself, but he desperately wished to. He was so sick of him.

"You're not better than us. By doing all this, you're proving you don't deserve to be an Elite. We would never threaten to hurt another person and you've hurt both Elijah and Chloe. You don't deserve any pity."

Thomas scoffed, trembling with anger. Nash continued to glare at him, wishing he'd understand. Did Thomas really think threatening and bullying would work? They were nineteen. Too old for this, but Thomas continued to target the Elites.

"She's your weakness," Thomas said, glancing at Chloe and Nash froze. "Better be careful or else I'll mess with her."

"Leave her out of this," Nash hissed. "Go after me if anything. I'm the only person you should be mad at because I know I deserve to be an Elite and I take advantage of ever perk we get. I'm the one you should target."

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