Chapter 10

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Nash paced in front of the Elites game room, debating on whether he should give Chloe what he made or not. It was embarrassing, but he had thought of her day after day since they painted together and he just had to give her something. He didn't know why, but just something that reminded him of her the other day.

Stop being a baby. Nash straightened up and wandered into the room. Sophia and Chloe sat on the couch and Elijah was on the computer, cursing at whoever he played chess with, and Nash marched towards the girls. When he neared them, they whipped their heads to look at him.

"Why do you seem stressed?" Sophia asked.

Nash rolled his eyes. "I'm not stressed."

"How's your day?" Chloe asked.

She smiled that gentle smile of hers and Nash hesitated, feeling his heart bloom at the sight of her. All these competitions had been for him to beat her - just once, in any silly contest, but as time went by he found himself just wanting to spend time with her. He barely cared about winning, he just wanted to talk to her and hear her laugh, and he didn't know why.

"Good." Nash slid his backpack off his shoulder and unzipped it. "I, um, made something for you. I remember you mentioned you liked cherry blossoms."

Chloe's eyes flew wide as Nash pulled out the six origami cherry blossoms he created. Five of them were attached by a string and one of them was alone. He handed it to Chloe, cursing himself for the way his hands trembled.

"Oh my god!" Chloe beamed. "They're beautiful."

She held them up, her eyes sliding across the cherry blossoms, and Nash ran his fingers through his hair. Sophia's eyebrows raised with curiosity, but for once she said nothing and Nash was thankful. He would die if she began to tease him.

"Thank you, Nash!" Chloe tucked her hair behind her ear, placing the lone cherry blossom there. "I love it."

"I'm glad," Nash said, smiling.

His heart continued to pound, but his shoulders relaxed. He hadn't realized he'd been so nervous about Chloe's reaction.

"When did you make these?" Sophia asked. "They're lovely."

"Um, yesterday night."

Sophia smirked and Nash shot her a look. Don't say anything. Thankfully, Sophia kept quiet as Chloe continued to admire his gift.

"Next contest, let's make each other something," Chloe said. "Whoever likes the gift more, wins."

Nash laughed. "I like the sound of that contest."

Chloe grinned. Nash's eyes softened at the sight of her. If he could, he would just stay there, admiring the way she burst with joy simply by the gift he gave her.


Nash entered his home, for once feeling on top of the world. He wandered off to the kitchen, already hearing Naya sweeping the floor with classical music playing in the background. He came home early for once, deciding to skip studying, and Naya jumped when he entered the kitchen.

"Oh, sir!" Naya exclaimed. "You're home early today."

"Nash." Nash sighed. "And yes, I decided to skip studying. I'm in a good mood."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Naya smiled, but wrinkles formed on her forehead. Nash's eyes wandered around the kitchen, taking note of how everything shone as if brand new and there were three plates set on the table for once. He frowned.

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