Chapter 25

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Chloe and Nash walked down a dirt path that lead towards a lake. Trees surrounded them and birds chirped above them. Squirrels scurried across the ground and in the bright blue sky, the sun shone, warming them with its rays. Nash carried a picnic basket and blanket, his eyes on the lake in front of them. He had randomly asked Chloe to hang out and Chloe had happily agreed, growing excited at the prospect of spending time with Nash at the park that was pretty bare. No contest was involved. No sympathy was involved. And Chloe glanced at Nash, flushing. She hoped Nash was trying to further things out in their relationship.

They neared the lake and Nash laid out the red and white checkered blanket across the grassy field. The blue lake in front of them glistened and around them, they could hear nothing but nature. Chloe settled down on the blanket as Nash set the picnic basket in between them. He pulled out tuna sandwiches next, handing one to Chloe who smiled and thanked him.

Nash took a chomp down on his sandwich as they sat in silence for a moment and Chloe's eyes lingered on him. He seemed to have a lot on his mind and Chloe hesitated, taking a bite out of her sandwich, and spoke up.

"Wow, this is delicious," Chloe said. "Did you make these by yourself?"

Nash flushed immediately. "I did... It's not much. Pretty easy recipe."

He mumbled off and Chloe smiled at him. Nash glanced at her, freezing, before darting his eyes to the lake in front of them.

The wind blew back Nash's hair gently and the sun made his hazel eyes look like melted caramel. His jawline looked more sharp in the bright environment and Chloe just watched him, unable to help it. Nash had always been good looking, but the more she got to know him, the more and more gorgeous he became.

And she thought back to her conversation with Sophia. She wanted more. She was sure of it and Sophia was right, maybe she should make the first move. Maybe if she did, Nash would be reassured and they could finally be together rather than stuck in this awkward place of being friends, but Chloe desiring more.

Chloe opened her mouth to finally speak up, but Nash cut her off, "I actually brought you here to talk about something... It's been on my mind lately."

Chloe's heart thumped against her chest. Her eyes lingered on Nash, stunned but hopeful that it was what she wished to hear. Maybe Nash had finally realized he should fight for Chloe; not give up on her because of her silly mistake. Her heart slammed against her chest and she stared at him, hoping for the best.

"I talked to Thomas yesterday," Nash began. Chloe tried her best not to look disappointed, but she nodded, listening. "And... I don't know what to do anymore. He told me how his parents basically pressured him to become an Elite and once he didn't make it, they shunned him and are making him pay his own tuition. Just because he didn't become an Elite."

Nash shook his head, looking disgusted, and Chloe frowned. She hadn't expected that to be Thomas's tale, but they often never knew the battles others faced at home.

"That's horrible of his parents," Chloe replied. "Thomas is ranked sixth. He's basically at Elite status."

"Yeah, I hate that I feel bad for Thomas, but I do." Nash shook his head. "But, he's still going about it all wrong. It's the system he should be mad at or his parents horrible standards. We shouldn't be the ones who have to suffer because of the system and expectations of others. We've done nothing but be talented enough to become an Elite. And that's what makes me so mad. Thomas could talk to the dean directly, but instead he's taking it out on us!"

"I know." Chloe sighed. She looked up at the sky, feeling unsure about the future that would occur very soon if they didn't do anything that would appease Thomas. "And I don't know what to do."

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