Chapter 15

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Chloe was mortified that Nash knew about her father and her struggles and even about how she felt about everything. She'd been too sick and weak to fight back, to deny and keep her heart chained, and now Nash knew everything. And that shame. That shame that always existed weighed heavier on her.

And she knew she was being silly. Like Nash had said people would only respect her for what she'd been through, but she still felt ashamed that she wasn't normal. She was a poor caregiver who was far from perfect, and she worried she'd lose Nash with him knowing the truth. How could someone like him ever think of Chloe as anything but pitiful?

Chloe blushed however. She walked towards the Elites building with Sophia at her side, gripping onto her backpack straps firmer. Nash had been so delicate with her - so affectionate. He touched her gently, brushed her hair back with care, and just stared at her with tender eyes and Chloe couldn't get the image out of her mind. Nash who had been so hotheaded had fizzled out and now the boy was nothing but sweet, and Chloe found herself confused. Not by his change, but by her own.

"Leave me alone!"

Chloe froze. She was nearly the front doors of the Elites building, but Elijah's voice rang out from the side of the building. He sounded afraid - panicked and Chloe rushed off to the side of the building.

"Quit the Elites or be prepared for a year of hell," Thomas hissed.

Chloe rounded the corner and froze. Thomas and his posse stood in front of Elijah, cornering him against the brick walls of the Elites building. Elijah quivered in front of him with food spilled over his gray shirt and Chloe gasped, sliding closer. Sophia stomped towards them, furious.

"What are you doing to Elijah!" Sophia snapped. "Get away from him."

The two girls stepped towards Sophia and Chloe, blocking their path to Elijah. Horrified, Chloe watched Elijah tear up, his body pressing against the wall as if he wished to vanish.

"Leave him alone," Chloe squeaked out, afraid. "Why are you bothering us? We've never done anything to you."

"Oh sweet, naive Chloe, you've taken too much from us," Thomas snapped. "So you two better leave us alone unless you want to end up like Elijah."

Elijah's shirt was stained with pasta and what looked like fruit juice, and humiliation spread across his expression. Chloe clenched her teeth, growing annoyed now. They were in university - why were they acting like middle school bullies?

"What's going on here?"

Chloe whipped her head to Nash and Caiden marching over. Nash had his arms crossed over his chest as he pushed passed Carley and Erica, and he shoved Thomas aside with ease. He stepped in front of Elijah to block him off from Thomas and his friends.

"Who did this to Elijah?" Nash hissed.

Nash kept his arms crossed over his chest, but his eyes were searing. He kept his focus on Thomas who faced off with Nash, seeming equally as annoyed that Nash had interfered.

"I did this to Elijah," Thomas said. "And I suggest you walk away unless you want to end up like him."

"You wish you could even get near me." Nash smirked, his eyes dancing with a fire he reserved for Thomas. "Go back to your building and never come back. You're taking this too far."

"No. You have no right to tell use where we're welcome. You may be an Elite, but you're nothing special."

"Then I'll get the dean involved."

Thomas barked out a laugh. A crazed, malicious laugh that made Chloe wince. Nash was unfazed by it, but even Elijah crouched down a bit, seeming to cower.

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