Chapter 24

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All of the Elites sat in the game room. Caiden lounged across one couch, Elijah sat in front of the computer with his headset covering his ears, and Sophia and Chloe sat on the other couch facing Nash, who stood in front of them and the TV the couches faced. He had his arms crossed over his chest, feeling irritated with the situation they had to discuss.

"So, today's meeting is about Thomas and what we have to do about him," Nash said. "I'll be honest, I don't want to give in to his demands. I want to fight back. They don't deserve to win by treating us horribly. But, that means we prolong this whole situation."

Chloe frowned immediately. Nash tried not to stare at her too often in front of the others, but it was hard not to when Chloe was Chloe.

"I... I don't think they deserve to get their way either," Chloe said. "But, we have to compromise. They're threatening us, causing riots, and just being a nuisance. I don't want to prolong this and we don't have to give up everything. We just have to compromise until we're both happy."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Caiden asked.

"I... I don't know." Chloe frowned. "They seem to be insecure that we have more perks than them so we either have to sacrifice some of our perks or give them some of our perks. I don't know the best way to go about it. I also don't know how much they expect to be satisfied."

"I hate this," Elijah whispered. "Everything was great last year. Why are they trying to ruin it?"

Elijah kept his eyes on the ground, seeming small in the room. These days Elijah kept to himself, often isolating himself in the game room to play games with his friends online, and Nash hated it. He hated that Thomas had scared Elijah and made him this meek.

"You're right, Elijah," Nash said. "This isn't fair at all. I kind of get where they're coming from, but it's not our fault that we worked hard to earn these spots. If they really wanted to, they could work harder to join the elites. I wouldn't care if they took our spots. Because at least they earned it. How is this right?"

"I agree," Sophia said, surprising Nash. "But, I'm more so worried about what Thomas will do if we don't agree to his demands. He threatened us. He hurt Elijah and threatened Chloe in the past. I'm scared of what he's wiling to stoop to."

Nash's jaw clenched. He hated how they all feared Thomas. He didn't. He didn't care what Thomas did, but he could tell the Elites all feared what would happen if they didn't agree to Thomas' demands. And he hated that. They didn't deserve anything if fear was their tactic to win.

"I agree with Sophia," Caiden said. He glanced at Sophia, his eyes lingering on her and Sophia gulped as their eyes remained locked. "But, I also agree with Nash. These jerks don't deserve to get their way with their threats. We can't give in. If we do, we're showing them what they did was ok."

"Exactly!" Nash exclaimed. "There has to be something we can do first."

"Like what?" Chloe whispered.

Nash's eyes met hers and he hesitated at the way her eyes remained widened in worry. He'd fix this. For Chloe especially, he'd find a way to stop this.

"I'll talk to Thomas." Nash grinned. "Convince him that he needs to leave us alone."

"Um, no offence Nash, but is it a good idea for you to do it?" Sophia asked.

Nash narrowed his eyes at Sophia. "Trust me. I'm both assertive and fair, so I'll convince him that messing with us isn't the best way to go about this. He'll finally come to the conclusion that he needs to leave us alone."

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