Chapter 23

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Chloe sat in Nash's car, glancing at him as he pulled into the parking lot of their school. He picked her up from work, saying she needed to stop sprinting to class late, and Chloe allowed him to help her. Time and time again, she allowed herself to lean on him, and she was happier than she'd been in a long time.

But, she wasn't just happy to have someone help her. She was more happy that her and Nash spent so much time together. He brought a joy to her she thought she'd never feel again when her dad had his stroke. She stopped believing in good things a year ago, but Nash made her realize sometimes the best things came in the form a person who loved you unconditionally.

Nash put his car in park and looked to her, his eyes growing gentle immediately. Chloe's heart stuttered. Her eyes widened at the way he looked at her and she froze, lost in his hazel eyes and the way the sun shone on him, illuminating all his beautiful features.

"Your eyes were always my favourite feature of yours," Nash said. His voice was low and husky. It made Chloe feel like they were the only two people in the world. "The way they're glowing now... it's hard to look away."

Chloe's face bloomed red. Her eyes widened and Nash gulped, his hands gripping the steering wheel harder. Kiss me. Chloe froze at the thought that popped into her mind, but it was all she wanted in that moment. Kiss me, Nash. Her eyes softened and she kept her eyes locked on his.

But, Nash pulled back, unbuckling his seatbelt and the moment dispersed. Chloe deflated. Nash no longer met her eyes.

"Let's get going," Nash said. "We're going to be late to class if we stay here any longer."

Chloe nodded, getting out of the car and her and Nash walked to The Elites building in silence. Nash kept his hands shoved into his pants pockets and Chloe kept glancing at him, wishing he'd look at her again with those eyes that made her melt. But, he kept his focus ahead of him.

Kiss me. Chloe let herself realize that it had always been true, that she loved him, that she wanted to be with him, and now that they'd grown closer she accepted her feelings. She really did like him and although she was happy with their friendship, she yearned for more. She yearned to be with him, but she no longer knew how he felt for her. He definitely cared for her, but was it purely platonic? Chloe deflated. She hated how she ruined her shot with him, but she told herself not to give up. Because Nash was definitely worth fighting for.


Chloe and Sophia sat on a bench outside. Spring had settled in and the weather had been lovely lately. The sky was a bright blue and the sun beamed down on them, bringing them a warmth they cherished after the winter months. Chloe and Sophia ate their lunch outside since the boys had a meeting with one of their teachers. And Chloe kept fidgeting in her seat, her mind on what happened earlier.

"Ok, what's up with you?" Sophia asked, eyebrows wiggling. "Nash again?"

"No," Chloe blurted out. "Ok, yes?"

Sophia laughed, shaking her head. She chomped down on her sandwich, shaking her head with mirth blooming on her features. Chloe blushed madly, embarrassed by how weak she was when it came to Nash.

"I really like Nash," Chloe said, face reddening more. "And I-I don't know what to do about it."

"Tell him you like him," Sophia said.

"I can't! I mean, I can, but ah, that's so scary!"

"I'm sure Nash is still in love with you. If you confessed first, it would probably make him the happiest guy in the world."

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