Chapter 26

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Nash chomped down on his apple in the kitchen, feeling both relieved but also frustrated. It had been days since Chloe and Nash had gone to the park, but his mind kept turning over the moment they discussed the kiss. He finally apologized. He told her it was a mistake and it had been - he should have asked for consent, but deep down, he felt uneasy. This couldn't be how their story ended. This couldn't be the end.

Because Nash still desired more. He felt guilty about it because he didn't know if Chloe would ever look at him in that way, but he had fallen for Chloe months ago and getting over her had been the hardest thing he tried to accomplish. Once he set his mind on something, he could accomplish anything, but not this. He couldn't get over the girl with big green eyes and a beautiful heart.

The front door slammed open and Nash winced at the noise. The voices of his parents bellowed out into the house and Nash froze. He hadn't known his parents would be back. After last time, he thought he wouldn't see them until next year, and Nash went cold. He still hadn't forgiven them for what they'd done to Chloe.

Footsteps echoed throughout the house until his parents entered the kitchen. They were drunk - as expected. His mom's eyes were red. His dad's face was red. And Nash sighed, already exasperated by the sight of his parents.

"Nashy!" his mom screamed at the sight of him.

She ran over and planted a huge, sloppy kiss on Nash's cheek. Nash scoffed, immediately wiping the spit off his cheek, and his mother gasped.

"So rude, Nashy!" his mom exclaimed. "You're still as grumpy as usual."

His mom wandered back to his dad's side and wrapped her arms around him. His dad smiled at Nash, eyes bright and Nash stared at them silently. He knew if he started speaking, he'd explode.

"How's your week been?" his dad asked. "How's school?"


His dad frowned. Nash crossed his arms over his chest, debating on walking off and leaving them alone.

"Are you still mad at us?" His mom asked. "It's been like three months."

"What do you think?" Nash asked.

"Why though, Nashy? What did we do?"

"You know what you did."

Nash clenched his jaw, trying his best not to explode. He had grown. Chloe had made him gentler. But his anger would never fully dissipate. After the life he'd lived, he'd always be a little angry at the world.

"What? To that girl? Come on, Nash," his mom said.

"Her name is Chloe! And you treated her so horribly, so of course I'm still mad. I'll never forgive you for the way you treated her."

His mom rolled her eyes. "Get over it. Chloe has probably forgotten all about it."

"This is exactly what's wrong with you. You never feel remorse. You always think you're in the right."

His mom winced and his dad frowned. Nash was being rude, but he didn't care. After everything his parents put him through, they didn't deserve politeness.

"Fine, I do feel bad," his mom finally said, sighing. She sulked against his dad, looking tired. "But what do you want me to do? Apologize?"

"Of course you should apologize," Nash said. "What you said was wrong."

"Fine, then invite her over for dinner and I'll apologize to her sincerely. How about that?"

Nash froze. He hadn't expected his mom to offer that. He barely thought she would ever think of apologizing and Nash hesitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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