Chapter 19

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Chloe laid in bed, hiding beneath her covers. Her heart pounded against her chest, reminding her of the affect Nash had on her over and over again. He kissed her. Out of nowhere. When she had never once thought he'd ever do that, and Chloe found herself stuck in a trance. Frozen. Shutdown. Confused. Because she didn't understand what was going on.

Not once in her one and a half years as an Elite did Chloe ever suspect Nash could want more than a rivalry. At one point, she was sure he hated her and just recently she thought Nash thought she was okay. But, to kiss her? She couldn't believe it and a part of her wondered if it was out of pity. And she knew Nash would be furious she thought that because he told her he cared. He kept repeating that, but Chloe just couldn't accept it. It just didn't make sense.

Chloe let out a sigh. She skipped school to sulk in her bed because she couldn't face Nash. She didn't know what to think or how to process what happened, so she lay in bed replaying the moment over and over again. His lips had been so soft, so tender, but passionate, and he had held her as if he feared losing her. And Chloe had done nothing. Just froze and she wondered what Nash thought of her now. He had to think she hated him.

Chloe jolted at the knock on her door. She frowned and called the person to come in, and her eyes widened when Sophia stepped into her room. She was wearing her school uniform and holding a grocery bag. She shut the door behind her and Chloe stared at her, surprised. Chloe told Sophia she didn't like when people came over so Sophia hadn't come over in years.

"Hey," Sophia said, wandering closer to Chloe's bed. "How are you? I brought some snacks."

"Oh, thank you," Chloe said. Sophia placed the bag on the ground. "I'm..."

Chloe drifted off. She should say good and move on, but Chloe found herself crumbling. As Sophia settled onto the edge of her bed, she found herself unable to be strong.

"I'm not doing good" Chloe confessed. "I just feel so confused and exhausted and I don't know what to do."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sophia's eyes softened. "About everything... I mean the past year with your family and what you go through."

"No, I don't want to talk about that. Please, Sophia..."

"Then is it Nash? Do you want to talk about him?"

Chloe tensed. Her eyes drifted to the hardwood floor and she bit her lip. How did Sophia know?

"Ok, let's talk about Nash," Chloe said, sighing. She no longer wanted to keep it all in. When it came to Nash, her mind was consumed by him and she needed to let it all out. "He wants to help me and just be there for me because he learned about my dad and my life, and I know he's just being nice, but I hate it. I hate how he suddenly became so nice because it feels like it's out of pity. And I wish Nash would go back to his old self and help distract me from all this, but now all he focuses on is being there for me. And I know I should be grateful. He's being kind and caring, but I don't know. It makes me uneasy that Nash of all people is suddenly gentle with me when months ago all he ever wanted was beat me in a contest."

"Oh Chloe, I think Nash has changed after getting closer to you. At the start of this year, you guys weren't really friends, just fellow Elites. But then you guys started spending more and more time together. Outside of school, too. He probably realized he really cares about you in the process and after learning about your life, he just wants to be there for you because he cares."

Chloe wrung her hands together, feeling torn. Everything Sophia and Nash said made logical sense, but at the same time it bothered her. She didn't understand why Nash cared so deeply about her.

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