Getting stuck

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That night Jonathan Nancy and Jamie all went into the woods were Wills bike was last seen, they were looking for clues or even this monster

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That night Jonathan Nancy and Jamie all went into the woods were Wills bike was last seen, they were looking for clues or even this monster.

They had Jonathan's gun a bat a flashlight and themselves. When it got dark any sound or crunch Jamie would jump at it scared of what could be behind her.

"I think I heard something" Jamie stated

Jonathan sighed "Jamie it was probably the wind for the 5th time" he walked on

Nancy flashed her light at a tree "hey Jamie do you see that ?" It looked as though there was goo all over the bottom

"Yeah" Jamie walked towards it but Nancy held her back

"Are you crazy you don't know what that is" Nancy whispered

"Well we're here to check things nance might as well see what it is" she moved and got closer to it, Nancy followed after Jonathan

Jamie kneeled down to get a closer look, there was all sorts of noises coming from it. She took of her jacket and put down her flashlight. She started to crawl through it

When she got to the other side it was the woods but in more of a blue ish tone and rotted. She looked around her and back at the way that she came which was closed already

"NANCY" she yelled hoping her friend could hear her, she heard a screech from the atmosphere "JONATHAN" she cried out hoping to get a response

She heard the monster getting closer so she bolted and tried not to trip over the vines on the floor "NANCY" she screamed "JONATHAN"

Jonathan flashed his lights at Nancy "did you hear that" Nancy shook her head

"NACY" Jamie's cry echoed the woods "JONATHAN" Nancy and Jonathan looked at each other

"Jamie !" Jonathan said, they both didn't even think but bolted to the location were Jamie was last, Nancy saw her jacket and flashlight. She quickly grabbed it

"JAMIE" Jonathan yelled which echoed into the upside down

"JONATHAN IM RIGHT HERE" Jamie yelled again. She could feel the slimy creature reach her. She faced it and created a energy ball in between her palms. She threw it at the monster making it fly backwards it's scream echoing

She felt a hand grab her and pull her out. Before she knew it she was on top of Jonathan shaking

"Oh my god Jamie" Jonathan clasped her "you alright" he looked at her. She was covered in the goo and her hair was dripping wet "how the hell did you fight the monster off" he looked at her nose "your nose is bleeding"

Jamie knew she couldn't mention her abilities "I don't know" she wiped her nose and looked at Nancy who helped her up "can we go now I need a shower"

"Yeah of corse come on" Nancy gave her back her jacket.

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