Sister sister

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Pietro stopped

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Pietro stopped. Jamie turned around to him "why aren't you coming ?"

He smiled "she doesn't wanna see me she wants to see you, I'll come in don't you worry" he nodded "go on, tell them you want Kali".

Jamie turned back around and went down the alley way. She opened the door at they end of it and saw a group of people consisting about four people

"Hello" Jamie said as they all looked at her, she felt the judgment already

"Well well" the boy with the Mohawk said walking closer to her "what do we have here"

The one of the girls laughed "what is she wearing" she puffed

"It's called a dress" Jamie looked the girl up and down "if you've heard of one before"

They all laughed at her comment except the girl, the boy with the Mohawk spoke again "what are you here for"

"I'm here looking for Kali" she saw everyone's face drop "was told she'd be around here"

"Who else knows you're here" he stepped closer

"No one" she lied

"So what then" the Mohawk guy giggled "poof you just showed up here"

"Stay calm" the girl said "she's just a kid axel"

Axel laughed in her face "a kid, look at her she's no kid she could get us all killed" he pulled out a pocket knife "start talking kid"

Jamie felt a pat on her shoulder, she quickly turned and saw dr Brenner facing her

She took a step back ignoring the sound of everyone laughing at her "five" dr Brenner muttered under his breath "after all this time and you didn't look for me"

"This isn't real" Jamie shook her head "you're dead" she took another step back, the crowd behind her was still laughing

Dr Brenner looked at Axel "there laughing at you" he whispered "they think you're weak" he sighed shaking his head "show them five" he smirked "show them"

Jamie turned to axel and created a energy ball in her palm.

He started chocking and starting holding his throat gasping for air. Finally the laughter died out, he was turning red

After a second a girl muttered "okay that's enough" Jamie turned to the girl, she had colours in her hair and was smirking at axel she tutted "told you too stop being an asshole didn't I" she shook her head "finally came back to bite you dear boy" she walked up to Jamie

Axel was still catching his breath "she's crazy" he pointed a Jamie

"How do you know me" Kali turned her head "and why are you here"

"My brother told me to come to you, he said you'd help me"

Kali laughed "help you ? With what" she looked down at Jamie's wrist and saw a mark on it, she grabbed her arm and saw the tattoo '005' she smiled and looked back up at her "sister"

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