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They got to the woods as Dustin tried to lead them with the compass but Steve thought so different

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They got to the woods as Dustin tried to lead them with the compass but Steve thought so different.

"Dude I'm telling you you're taking us the wrong way." Steve complained

"It's north." Dustin pointed down at his compass "I'm positive. I checked the map."

"You do realise, skull rock, it's a super popular make out spot ?" Steve suggested

"Yeah so ?"

"Yeah, we'll it wasn't popular until I made it popular." Steve commented proudly "alright I practically invented it. We're heading in the wrong direction" he started walking the other way

"Steve where are you going"

"Stop, whining. Let's go. Trust me" Steve ignored him. Everyone followed.

Robin looked back at Max and Lucas "there so cute I wanna squeeze them" she said to Jamie and Nancy "it would be the rekindling of old flames that never should've been snuffed out. I didn't mean that as a hint" she smirked at Jamie

"Right" Jamie shook her head

"But if I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible ?" She suggested "to wish happiness for my friends ?"

"You think I'm not happy ?" Jamie asked

Nancy scoffed "of corse you're not Jamie look at yourself girl" Nancy frowned "you've gone through things I wouldn't imagine on my worst enemy"

"It's just... it's hard without Hopper as he's my dad. Not like an adoptive dad I rarely talk to he was my best friend I guess. And Eleven isn't answering my letters or calls neither is Jonathan or Joyce so I'm just a tad bit stressed" Jamie ranted "and I don't see my brother as much as I used to so it's hard. My best friends have to pull me out of bed every morning with a wicked hangover" she laughed "so the mention of any of there names make me wanna cry then yeah I'm not so happy"

Jamie paused "sorry... but you said 'the happiness of your friends' so am I your friend ?" Jamie looked at Robin

"Of corse you are" Robin put her arm around "you're like the best".

Steve laughed "oh boom. Bada bing, bada boom there she is, Henderson" he jumped out of a bush "skull rock"

Everyone ended up at Skulk Rock. Dustin was gobsmacked "doesn't make sense."

Steve imitated his hand "yeah. Yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it. Can't admit you're wrong, you little butthead"

Eddie jumped down from a rock making everyone jump "I concur" Jamie turned to him "you Dustin Henderson, are a... total butthead"

"Jesus, we thought you were a goner." Dustin hugged his friend tightly

"Yeah me too man" Eddie patted his back

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