The truth

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Jamie climbed out of the pool with blood all over her

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Jamie climbed out of the pool with blood all over her. She looked around, she felt breathless when she saw what was in front of her. Hopper, he was standing in his usual police uniform

He walked towards her. His voice deeper "you killed people Jamie ?" He shook his head "I would have never brought you in" he started walking closer as Jamie was backing away "you caused all of this"

"No" her eyes filled with tears "no I swear" she felt her back hit something she turned to see Steve

He looked disgusted "you killed people Jamie ? How could you. You're a monster" she tried to walk towards him but he backed away "don't hurt me Jamie"

What looked like another Jamie appeared behind Steve. Jamie frowned "get away from him" she threw a red energy ball at her making her back away

She shook her head. Dustin Mike Max and Lucas appeared "please don't hurt us" they cried looking over to the other jamie who was on the floor

Her eyes filled with tears "I would never hurt you" she whispered "never, I would never hurt anyone. I'm not a monster" Jamie looked over to see the other Jamie groaning in pain.

Jamie backed away, she got on her knees and started sobbing. The other Jamie stood up. She walked over and grabbed Jamie's face

She smirked "it's time to find out what you done Jamie" she shook her head "let's show who you really are"

Everything disappeared. She appeared in the Creel house, a family walked in. She assumed it was Victor's family.

"This is amazing" the little girl said looking around. Jamie realised they couldn't see her "it looks like a fairy tail" she ran upstairs

Jamie turned her attention to the little boy "like you, I didn't fit in with the other children" Vecna's voice became more recognisable. More human "something was wrong with me"

"My parents thought a change of scenery a fresh start in Hawkins, might just cure me" he paused "it was pathetic. As if the world would be any different" he showed how his powers worked to Jamie. He attracted spiders and could make people see things

"Life yourself I can get into peoples minds Jamie, I can make them see their worst fear" Vecna stated. She saw his mother freaking out and jumping.

It came to dinner time "my mother was always aware of my antics. So I had to get rid of her" his mother rose to the ground like all of his victims did. Her bones started cracking as she fell on the table.

"My father tried to get us out of there" Vecna said. Victor picked up his children and got to the door. Victors eyes became white as he too rose in the air. As did the sister. Jamie shut her eyes not wanting to see the poor little girl die.

When she opened her eyes the little boy was passed out. "Like you Jamie I was taken" it showed him in a lab

Jamie saw herself in the lab. She walked down the hallway and saw Papa giving the boy a tattoo, she looked as it revealed '001' Jamie sighed.

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