Talking to Will

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Hopper and Jamie were in the car on the way to the school, Jamie was looking out the window

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Hopper and Jamie were in the car on the way to the school, Jamie was looking out the window

Hopper looked at her and back at the road "don't feel any pressure Jamie you owe no one here" she didn't reply "and you know what your always going to be my girl okay"

Jamie turned to him and smiled "I'm glad you're coming" she could see him crack into a smile

"You kidding I wouldn't let you do this on your own kid" he grabbed her hand "it's just you and me".

They arrived at the school. Joyce and Mike took Eleven and Jamie inside followed by Nancy and Hopper and Jonathan got the first batch of salt

"So Jamie isn't your blood daughter" Jonathan threw a bag of salt to the pile

Hopper threw another bag "no but she might as well be" he grabbed another.

Joyce sat Jamie down and helped her tape up some goggles for her and eleven "you know your a really brave girl" she touched her knee "you know that don't you" Jamie looked away "everything you're doing and have done for my boys it means a lot Jamie" she handed her one pare of goggles "I'm going to be there the whole time with you and el so if it ever gets scary in that place, you just let me know and I'll help you okay"

Jamie smiled "okay".

Jamie and Eleven made the plan that Eleven would try to find Barb and Jamie would try to find Nancy. They had set up a radio near them so they could connect the noise to the radio.

They both hopped into the pool which was freezing making them both flinch. Before they put the goggles Jamie and Eleven looked at each other and smiled for a sign of reassurance.

They got into the positions and started, the lights went out.

Jamie woke up and it was pitch black all around her, she started to walk forwards. She saw a den made out of wood labelled 'castle Byers'

"Castle Byers" Jamie mumbled under her breath making Joyce smile.

She opened the fabric which was the doorway and saw Will laying there. He was nearly blue and holding onto himself

"Will" she shook him lightly which repeated to the others

"You tell him, tell him I'm coming moms is coming" Joyce's voice echoed through Jamie's ears

She leant closer to Will "Will mom is coming for you" she held onto his hand

"Mom" Will muttered which echoed through the radio. Hopper turned and held onto Jamie's hand

"Tell him to stay where he is" Joyce repeated

"Will stay were you are" she held his hand tighter "Will you gotta hold on okay" she whispered for the last time as all of her surroundings disappeared as she was alone again in darkness

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