Nancys house

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Nancy opened the door which lead into her house, they looked around "might be time to get a maid" Amy said sarcastically

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Nancy opened the door which lead into her house, they looked around "might be time to get a maid" Amy said sarcastically

"Come on" Nancy led them all too her bedroom.

Nancy pulled out a shoe box, she opened it to reveal a pair of high heels "I don't understand" Nancy seemed confused

"Maybe you left them somewhere else" Eddie said looking around

"There's a six year old in the house. I know where I keep my guns." She looked down at the shoes "I threw these guns away ages ago" she grabbed her flash card on the desk "these are from sophomore chemistry"

Jamie went into Nancys draws, she found a diary. She flipped through it "Nancy" she turned "the last date is November 6 1983. The day Will went missing"

Nancy gasped "the day the gate opened. We're in the past"

"Dustin ! Dustin !" Steve's voice muffled from downstairs

"Steve" Amy left the room. They all followed.

Steve was circling "DUSTIN CAN YOU HEAR ME" he looked like a mad man "HELLO"

Amy whispered to Robin "maybe he does have rabies"

"Steve what are you doing ?" Jamie asked. Steve put his flashlight on her

He moved closer "Henderson. He's here. That little shit, he's here. He's like... he's in the walls or something. Listen" he put his fingers to his lips "Dustin! Dustin! DUSTIN"

Dustin's voice echoed "that brings us to the first question you first raised."

Jamie laughed "he's here. DUSTIN" he called as did everyone

"Either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douche bag" Amy shrugged

"Will found a way" Nancy looked at the lights "he found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." She walked into the closest lamp. She tried turning it on with no response

"Try the switch" Jamie pointed. Nancy tried flipping the switch but it wasn't working.

Steve looked at the chandelier "guys... you seeing this" they all looked up and saw almost glitter all around the lights

 you seeing this" they all looked up and saw almost glitter all around the lights

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