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When it came around to Monday morning Jamie woke up at the crack of dawn as Mia was picking her up

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When it came around to Monday morning Jamie woke up at the crack of dawn as Mia was picking her up.

She saw Hopper asleep on the couch with a beer in his hand, she sighed and looked down at the man "hop" she moved him slightly

He woke up and looked at his surroundings "oh what time is it" he squinted his eyes

"You promised that you would stop this, Eleven is staying with us who is a kid you can't do this anymore" she threw his beer in the trash

"Says you" he said backhandedly making Jamie spin around to him

"Excuse you"

"You we're out till twelve the other night, always breaking curfew when I tell you not too" he sat up

"I told you I lost track of time" she threw another van in the trash "and plus when do you ever listen to me"

"When have I not listened to you" hopper threw his arms in the air and was louder this time

"I told you not to break into the lab.... What do you do" she grabbed another beer can "I tell you to stay inside and stop getting involved in Hawkins lab. What do you do..." she threw it in the trash "you never listen hop"

Hopper laughed sarcastically "all I've done is keep you safe and you know that Jamie" he stuttered for a second "without me you would still be a girl in a lab called 005, you would be nothing without me five"

Silence was among them, Jamie threw the last beer can in the trash as Mia's car pulled up "thanks" she said her eyes filled with fury as she put on her coat "it really means a lot" she opened the door and walked out.

She walked outside and got in Mia's car "what's with the face" Mia pouted

"Nothing" Jamie looked down "can we go" she wiped the under of her eye.

Steve and Billy were playing basketball, Steve had the ball as Billy came behind him "saw you with Jamie on Friday, lucky man lucky man I must say" he laughed into Steve's ear "how could she talk to a man like you"

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Steve and Billy were playing basketball, Steve had the ball as Billy came behind him "saw you with Jamie on Friday, lucky man lucky man I must say" he laughed into Steve's ear "how could she talk to a man like you"

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