Chapter 2 - Loni

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Men are, and I cannot stress this enough, fucking assholes.

I don't care if he's the sweetest most caring guy on this planet. I guarantee he's an asshole. Or he has some kind of asshole tendency. Maybe he told his girl she shouldn't eat that. That he doesn't like the color of her lipstick. Whatever it is, even if it's the most minuscule thing, it makes him an asshole. And I hate him.

I was never this bitter. Two weeks ago I was all about relationships. Men. Falling in love. I had my love. Eric was everything I could have ever dreamed of. The perfect man. Kind, smart, funny, and patient as hell.

We dated for nearly a year. Before summer ended, and we were going to start our junior year at University together, I decided it was time to give my virginity to him.

I guess the sex was good. I mean I have nothing to compare it to. His thing went into my hole and he had an orgasm. I think I did too. I felt warm in places I never really felt warm in. So yeah, pretty decent sex. 

But then he broke my heart.

He didn't even pull the condom off yet before he said "this was fun but it's time we go our separate ways." 

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" My best friend Hadley sits across from me at one of the tables outside the student union. Her mouth hangs open in shock as I spill all of this to her. I called her as soon as it happened but spared her the dirty details until now. "What did you do?"

"At first, I had no idea what to do. His dick was practically still inside of me as he gave me the 'it's not you it's me' speech."

"What a piece of shit."

I nod, taking a long sip of my iced latte. I force a swallow. "I laid in his bed, trying to wrap my head around what happened. He was going to just leave me there while he met up with some friends."

Hadley scoffs. "What a loser."

"Apparently he was just waiting to fuck me before he broke up with me."

"Men can be so stupid, Loni. You can do so much better than him anyway."

I force a smile as Hadley reaches over the table and takes my hand. But I don't want to do better. I don't want to do men at all. I hate men. I refuse to be vulnerable like that again. I refuse to whisper "I love you" into the ear of a man that has the ultimate ability to break my heart. I won't do that again. I won't

But the sex. Damn the sex. I hate myself for the fact that I was a virgin for so long. It was fun. It made me feel pretty good for the five minutes we did it. I kind of want more of it. I want to experience that feeling again. 

"Hopefully you won't see too much of him around campus." Handley stands from the table and I follow her lead.

Bayside University isn't a huge campus, but Eric and I have completely different majors. I'm Cinematic Arts and he's Mechanical Engineering. Luckily those buildings are on opposite sides of the school.

"Even if I do see him," I link my arm with hers and we head towards South Rec, the gym where the volleyball team holds its practices. "Eric Hill no longer exists to me. 

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