Chapter 23 - Loni

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We win the game. No thanks to Jace. And despite my begging and pleading to him and Coach Carr, they didn't put me back in. Fuck, Coach even wants me to get my ankle checked out. No matter how many times I try to convince her it's fine, she doesn't listen. She's too invested in her new man to pay any attention to me or to the rest of the team.

Jace finds all of it hilarious. And I want nothing more than to smack that stupid, sexy grin off his face. Wait... Did I say sexy? I mean gorgeous. Fuck, I mean ugly. Annoying. Yeah, that's better.

After the game, I snatch my bag from my locker and head out. Not really in a celebratory mood. And plus, I have my own plans. Lucas is standing by the bleachers when I walk out.

"Congrats on the win," he says and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Thanks. Now let's go." Let's get the fuck out of here as quickly as possible before—

"Loni, what are you doing?"

My head snaps around to the sound of Jace's voice.

"I'm going home with Lucas," I say matter-of-factly.

"Hey, man," Lucas says.

Jace shakes his head. "Sorry, not tonight. Coach needs you to get that ankle checked out ASAP."

"I'm not doing that."

Jace shrugs. "Coach's orders. She says if you don't do it, you're not playing for the rest of the season."

"You are fucking kidding me," I curse under my breath. Lucas flashes a confused glance between Jace and me. I turn my attention to Lucas. "We will have to reschedule."

"Fine. But you owe me." He smirks and wraps a piece of my hair around his finger. "Drinks at Shakers Thursday night."

"I'll be there," I say with a forced smile, and Lucas plants another kiss on my cheek before he leaves.

"Just drinks? That cheap bastard can't even treat you to dinner?"

"You are such an ass."

"I'm just looking out for you. I've heard rumors about that guy. He's a quick fuck. Some girl said he came before he even got his clothes off."

I roll my eyes. "You are so full of shit."

"I guess you'll find out on Thursday," he shrugs and lets out a cocky laugh.

"I swear if you try anything I'll—"

"You'll what, Loni?" He asks with a low, sultry tone, taking a step closer to me. His body brushes mine. "What do you want to do to me huh?"

My eyes flash to his moistened lips and I can't help but remember the feeling of them pressed to mine. The thought sends tingles down my body, growing more intense before they reach the space between my legs. I press my thighs together, but that only intensifies the feeling.

"You want to kiss me again?"


No. Fuck no. What am I thinking?

I roll my shoulders, forgetting that insane thought. "In your dreams," I hiss.

He leans deeper into me but I walk away when the feeling of his breath on my cheek becomes too overwhelming and I can no longer ignore the heat that builds between my legs.

Jace Maxwell is an arrogant asshole. A player. I want nothing to do with him... Maybe just one more kiss. No. No. Stop it. But as much as I try to deny it, I can't ignore the pull he has on me with his brown-eyed stare.


I got my ankle checked out, for literally no reason at all, and sent the doctor's report to Coach Carr. My ankle is in perfect condition so there should be no reason for me to be pulled from any more games.

But I don't dwell on that.

It's Thursday night and I'm at Shakers with Lucas having a pretty pleasant evening. He's a pretty great guy too. I don't even think about what Jace said about him after the game. He seems like a good lay from where I'm sitting.

He tells me all about his family. His mom and dad are both doctors so it is easy for him to follow in their footsteps. He even listens to me babble on about my parents who are traveling the world.

My parents already traveled through all fifty states in their RV and now I think they are in Italy. I can't keep up with them. I'll get a text from them maybe once a week, but the phone calls don't come more than once a month.

"What are you majoring in?" Lucas asks, biting into a salsa-covered chip.

"Cinematic arts."

"Wow. So you want to be an actor or something?"

"A director actually."

"Huh, I'll have to see one of your movies sometime."

I laugh. "I don't know, I'm going to be a pretty big star. All of my movies might be sold out," I laugh and he joins in. He's such a nice guy. So down to earth. Smart. Hell, if I wasn't on my relationship ban, he'd be perfect for me.

"I have some more drinks here for you," a young waiter says, standing next to our table with a huge tray of multiple drinks.

"I don't think we ordered anymore," Lucas says, confused.

"Sorry," the waiter mumbles.

Out of nowhere, the tray fumbles in his hand. The drinks spill all over us. Ice cubes fly, and vodka splashes in my eyes and all over Lucas's face.

"What the fuck!" Lucas screams, jumping out of his seat. "This suit is Armani, you dumb little shit!" He's yelling at the waiter who looks like he's about to shit himself.

Through squinted eyes, I look across the bar to the counter. My eyes widened, ignoring the burning sensations that coats them. Guess who's standing there? Leaning so nonchalantly against the counter. Smirking with such enthusiasm. I'll tell you.

Jace. Fucking. Maxwell.

Lucas is still throwing a tantrum at the waiter when I get up from the table and march across the bar.

"Loni, what are you doing here?" Jace exclaims in a shocked tone, batting his thick lashes at me.

"You had something to do with this," I bite out, wiping away the hairs that are matted to my forehead with Pepsi I think.

"Moi?" Jace asks, pointing to his chest. "Why I have no idea what you are talking about." His eyes pan down my soaked body and can no longer choke back his laughter. He nods. " Okay yeah, yeah, it was me."

"Fuck you." I try to walk towards the door but he grabs my arm.

"Wait." I turn to face him. "Here, have a napkin." He holds a napkin out to me and a snatch it out of his hand.

I wipe my eyes and throw the crumpled napkin at his chest. "You better wipe that grin off your face right now."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because," I start, stepping close to him, feeling like I have the upper hand here. Hadley told me after our game why Jace is helping out with the team. She found out from her bother. And I intend to use that information to my advantage. "I know that you are on thin ice with Coach Harris. Fuck with one of my dates again and I swear, Jace, I will make sure you get kicked off the baseball team for good."

His jaw ticks, but there is a spark in his eyes like he's impressed with me. With each heaving breath, his chest brushes mine. My teeth grit together as we stare at each other, breathing in sync now.

I can't be the only one feeling this sexual tension between us right now.

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