Chapter 13 - Loni

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Shakers is pretty packed tonight. Luckily I'm able to snag a two-person hightop table and order a couple of beers. 

By the time the drinks arrive, so does Marcus. Thank the lord he looks just like his pictures. His skin is deeply tanned like he just spend the week at the beach. Dirty blonde hair lays messily on his head, flopping over his brows that hover over amazingly blue eyes. Like holy fuck they look like crystal balls.

He's absolutely gorgeous. I'm drooling.

Shit. No. Get it together, Loni. Self-control.

"Hi," I greet him, standing from my chair as he approaches the table.

What do I do? Shake his hand? I've never had a planned one-night stand before. I've never had a random spur-of-the-moment one-night stand either. 

Marcus doesn't let my mind linger on that question because he pulls me into a quick, friendly hug.

We both sit down and I instantly take a large swig of beer. "So, have you been here before?" I ask after swallowing.

"Yeah. Practically every weekend. It's nice that it's so close to campus."

"So you do go to Bayside?"

He nods and sips his beer.

Maybe I should have gotten a little more information about him while talking on the app. The only thing I knew from this guy before coming here was his first name and that he is incredibly hot. I'll make sure to know a little bit more next time.

"I'm a senior. I'll be graduating next semester."

My phone buzzes on the table and I glance at it. A text from an unknown number pops up on the bright screen.

???: Please. Don't go home with him tonight.

Who the fuck?

My eyes quickly scan the bar but no one is obviously looking at me. I brush off the text and flip my phone over so I can't see the screen. I force a smile.

"Wow, that's awesome," I say, pretty much forgetting what he just told me. But I play along.

"Yeah. I'm a psychology major."


Okay, stop saying wow.

I can't, though. To be honest, I'm not interested in a conversation. I just want to fuck. And I know that sounds vulgar, but it's all I can think about. Especially watching Marcus's pecs stretch through his shirt whenever he takes a breath. Those damn things are about to rip through the fabric.

And don't even get me started on those arms. Muscular, bronzed. I want them wrapped around my body while I ride him.

We drink about two beers, but after my first one, I'm already starting to lighten up a bit and get out of my own head. I actually have a decent conversation with him. Keeping the sex off my mind for just a moment. But, Marcus knows the motive for tonight.

"So," he says when he finishes the last of his beer. "I walked here."

"My car is parked right out front."

"Excellent." He reaches across the table and takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my skin. "Now, time for the real thing I've been wanting to ask you all night." Leaning over the table, a smirk graces his lips. "Your place? Or mine?" 

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