Chapter 43 - Jace

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Beers are flowing, music is playing, and everyone is having a great fucking time.

I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive going into tonight. After Loni told me she wasn't going to come to this party and she insisted we get with other people tonight, I just wanted to stay home. I was ready too. I found a movie to watch on Netflix, I was going to order in some pizza, and have the night all to myself.

My friends had other plans. They said there was no way I was going to stay home by myself on the most exciting night of the year.

I have other ideas of an exciting night.

They mostly consist of laying on top of Loni, or her on top of me. Watching her reflection in the mirror while she rides me is definitely more fun than this night.

Fuck, I'm hard just thinking about her. Her ass that fits perfectly in my hand. The feeling of her tits in my mouth, I fucking crave it like a starved animal.

Tonight, I have to settle for the taste of beer. It's good, but barely compares.

I've never been a fan of frat parties. The guy-to-girl ratio is always so off. There are about forty girls to one guy. It's really annoying. Especially tonight when all I want to do is hang with the guys. I don't even know where Kaden, Ash, and Ty are anymore.

Tits rub up against me and asses grind on my legs as I try to walk to the kitchen to snag another beer.

"Jace Maxwell."

I snap my head around at the sound of my name, a fresh beer chilling in my hand.

"Do you not remember me?" She asks, noticing my furrowed brows and confused mouth. "Bianca. Bianca Reddin." Jumping down from the counter, she saunters over to me. Long slender arms sway by her tight waist.

I remember her. Not because we had any kind of deep connection, but by the fact that this girl was into some freaky shit. We hooked up a couple of times in the past and every time we did she tied me to the bed, put me in positions I never heard of, and used toys on me I never knew existed.

I know it sounds gross, crazy, scandalous, but trust me, this shit was hot. She was mainly the only woman I fucked more than once. It was like a weekly event. I haven't seen her in months though.

I've been avoiding frat parties for the most part, but she's in one of the sorties here, so it's no surprise to me that she's here.

"Can I get one?"

"What?" I ask, snapping out of my thoughts.

She points to my hand. "A beer?"

I look at my hand and the bottle I'm clutching a little too tight. I nod. Pulling one from the cooler, I hand it to her.

She takes it, pressing the sealed lip to the counter, hitting the top with her hand, and forcing the bottle cap off. She lifts it to her plump lips. Knocking her head back, she takes a long drink. Her throat bobs with each swallow and my eyes can't help but linger on her throat, dipping down to her cleavage where strands of her blond hair fall.

"It's nice to see you here," she says, looking at me.

When the hell did she stop drinking?

"Yeah, you too," I respond, taking a sip of my beer. My mouth is super dry right now.

As I chug the fizzy liquid, I examine her a little more. But every time my eyes fall on her curvy body, all I can think of is Loni. How my hands would study every one of them in the dark and admire them in the light.

The back of my throat burns. I lower the bottle and shake my head. I can't think of Loni tonight because if I do, all I can see is her hooking up with some random guy. Would she really do that though? Because I sure as hell can't.

Standing here in front of Bianca, I feel no attraction. And this is the girl that used to give me a hard-on at just the sound of her name. Now seeing her, my dick wants to shrivel up and never come out, not until Loni is the one standing in front of me.

"How are you doing? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I've been great." I can't be a douchebag. I can at least give this girl the courtesy of having a friendly conversation. Anything beyond that, no thank you.

"I heard about the baseball thing. The suspension. Are you alright?"

I nod. Talking about it now honestly doesn't faze me. Would I like to be back on the team? Hell yeah, I love the sport. But do I need to play it? Absolutely not.

"How are you? How's the dance team?"

"Oh, it's so great!" Her face brightens. "I was just appointed captain."

"That's awesome. How's the sorority?"

"Great also. A few of the sisters went on a cruise for the break. But I'm currently taking this prereq course online and I couldn't risk being out of wifi, you know?"

Bianca and I have a great conversation in the kitchen. I don't know what the hell happens that leads us to the couch. She's sitting next to me, her hand resting on my knee.

A few other people are sitting in the living room too. They are playing a very intense game of flip cup on the coffee table. Anytime the game is over, we cheer, and Bianca plats a kiss on my cheek.

I try to brush off the fact that it bothers me. I don't want her to kiss me. But, I am having a fun time. Should the time come when the ball drops, can I share a New Year kiss with her?

I glance at her from the corner of my eye.

No fucking way.

Yes, she is a pretty girl. But Loni is drop-dead gorgeous. Even though Loni told me I can be with someone else tonight, kiss someone else, I can't. I can't risk fucking things up with her. No way in hell.

Another flip cup victory. I cheer, clapping my hands together. I lift my beer to my lips and take a swig.

Bianca takes that as her opportunity to start sucking on my neck.

"Hold on," I say as her teeth nip my flesh.

Her body presses against me, deepening her suction on my neck. She moans in my ear.

"Wait, Bianca, no," I press my hand to her chest, pushing myself back. But the girl is stronger than she looks. Her hand grabs my groin and I grunt. "Fuck, Bianca." The arm of the couch prevents me from going anywhere.

My phone rings in my pocket, startling her for a moment, giving me enough time to pull it out.

"Ignore them," she says breathlessly. She lunges for me again, sucking my neck like a damn leech.

I hold up my phone to look at it and see Hadley's name on the screen. Why is she calling me? I try to tap the screen to answer, but Bianca's body moving on top of me makes my hand unsteady.

"Get the fuck off." I shove her body off of me with all the force in my one hand. She scoffs and I stand. Ignoring her, I answer my phone. "Hadley?"

"Jace, fuck, Jace, oh my God," Hadley's voice cracks frantically through the speaker. Her harsh breathing rattles me to my core. "I don't know— I don't. She's—"

"Wait. Calm down, what's going on—"

"Loni! She's... Oh, fuck, Jace. I need you here. Please come here now. I don't know what to do." 

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