Chapter 42 - Loni

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New Year is the one holiday I don't stay cooped up by myself. This is about getting fucked up, going crazy, and going into the new year with a bang. It's not about family, well for some it is I guess. But for me, it's ending the year and starting the new one with a killer hangover.

Jace invited me to the party he's going to tonight, but I turned him down. Was that a smart move? I'm not really sure. My feelings for him have gotten a little bit out of control. The other night, he slept over at my place after a night spent with his head between my legs. After multiple orgasms, I almost called off this whole thing and told him I wanted to be with him. Romance, flowers, dates, I wanted it all.

I'm weak.

I melt from the attention of a man. And the way he looks at me. Fuck. He could make me do anything. Like if he asked me to rob a bank for him, I would. Then I imagine us fucking and rolling around in the money.

Disgusting. I know.

Instead of telling him how I feel like a normal person would, I told him I'm not going to a New Year party with him. I also told him that he's allowed to have a New Year kiss with anyone he wants and I'll do the same. Regret creeps up the back of my throat at the thought of those words coming out of my mouth.

I couldn't help myself. Self-sabotage is my thing.

"If that's what you want," he said to me.

That's not what I want. But it's too late to back out now.

Hadley and I are in the back of an Uber heading to some random party.

She doesn't even know where we are going. She heard some of her sorority sisters talking about the parties going on tonight and she picked this one.

I try to look out the window, but it's pitch black outside. Where the hell are we?

"Put these on," Hadley commands, shoving a string of golden beads at me.

I laugh and put them around my neck. "Are we almost there?"

"I think so." But she's taking a selfie of us and doesn't even look at the GPS on the Uber driver's dash. "Say New Year!"

"New Year!" I cheer in my most enthusiastic voice.

"Here," she says, tossing her silver flask in my lap. "You need to loosen up a bit."

"I'm loose."

"I know you, babe. Drink up." She eyes me with arched brows.

She's right. I'm anything but loose. Thoughts of Jace and what he's doing right now cloud my mind. I open the flask and take a sip of— what is that— vodka? I don't care though. It burns the back of my throat and for a moment I think about the sting and not about Jace.

We pull up to a house that is completely lit and covered in Christmas lights. We step out of the car. Cheers from drunken college students echo around the busy street. On the front lawn, a group of people count down while a girl in a blue dress is doing a keg stand. The dress is past her shoulder and her whole ass is hanging out. But no one seems to care. Too drunk.

Hadley links her arm with mine and leads me up the wooden steps onto the deck. A few guys are playing beer pong outside and getting super into it when the little orange ball lands in the cup.

"Let's find some drinks!" Hadley shouts into my ear once we walk inside.

The house has no light on, except for the blue lights which make everyones' teeth glow. It's a cool ambiance I have to admit. There's even a DJ in the living room. Whoever is throwing this party really went all out.

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