Chapter 16 - Jace

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"Why don't we take this back to your place huh? Where we can be all alone." Sienna runs her teasing fingers down the length of my arm and my breath catches in my throat.

The girl is fucking hot. I've seen her at volleyball practice and she stops at nothing to get my attention. I knew she had a thing for me by the way she looks at me during practice, I'm honestly not surprised. Most of the girls on the team get all hot and bothered in my presence. But I have no interest in this.

The old me would have jumped at the chance to get with a girl like Sienna Ray. I mean, my eyes can't stop themselves from peeking down into her cleavage. Her tits are perfect and I'm sure she has beautiful pink nipples matching the color of her bright lips.

But any time I try to think of another woman, Loni's gorgeous freckled face flashes in my mind.

"Thanks, but I have to pass." I pull Sienna's hand off my arm and disappear into the crowd of people.

Asher and Tyler's apartment is packed, people are even hanging out outside.

I pass by the living room where a girl is laying shirtless on the coffee table and Kaden is licking her stomach to take a body shot. Meanwhile, Asher is sitting on the couch, straddled by a girl who's sticking her tongue down his throat.

Oh, the memories. A year ago, I would be right there with them. But the thought of doing that now makes my skin crawl.

I grab a beer from the fridge and lean against the counter. I let out a sigh before pressing the opening to my lips. I should be having a great time, but honestly, I want to go across the hall and lay in bed alone for the rest of the night.

"You look like you're having a great time," Tyler says, grabbing a beer and standing next to me.

"Oh, the best," I laugh.

"Isn't it funny how every time we blink, Asher is making out with a different girl?"

I look towards the couch and laugh. "Wasn't he just with a blond?" I say, noticing an entirely new girl sitting on his lap.

"It's like they are waiting in line for him."

"Where's your girl tonight?" I ask, noticing that Tyler's girlfriend is not hanging off of his arm like she normally does.

"She had to study tonight." He shrugs and takes a swing of beer but practically chokes. "What the fuck is my sister doing here?"

I follow his gaze to Hadley who is sitting not the kitchen table talking to a group of guys. When I turn back to Tyler, he's gone and making a beeline toward them.

Downing the rest of my beer, I toss the bottle into the trash. I walk to the fridge to get another, but as my hand grabs the bottle, I freeze as a familiar voice rings in my ears.

I slam the fridge close and look into the living room where Loni is sitting on the couch. She's laughing at something Victor Wilkins just said. He's the biggest asshole on Bayside's football team.

My nostrils flare as I hustle over to them, pushing myself through the hoards of people blocking my way.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snarl once I'm standing in front of her.

Her big green eyes roll up towards me. "You invited me," she slurs.

Oh god, she's fucking wasted.

She looks up at me with heavy lids while lifting a red solo cup up to her lips. Some of her drink spills and drips down her chest, between the valley of her breasts.

My dick twitches at the sight but goes completely flaccid as Victor grabs a napkin from the table.

"Let me help you," he practically purrs, wiping his hand over her chest. She throws her head back and laughs.

My chest aches with how hard I'm breathing. "You need to leave."

Loni flashes her gaze back up to me. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeah, man, she's staying right here." His hand is still on her chest.

"Loni, get up," I snarl.

"Fine." She stands, staring at me with every move. "I need another drink anyway." She stumbles into the kitchen and I follow close behind. Keeping my hands up to catch her if she falls.

"Seriously, Loni, you need to get out of here."

"Only way I leaving," she starts, pouring vodka into a fresh cup. "Is if it's with that sexy football payer right der. I sink he's giving off some big dick enerfy." Each word is slurred but I manage to make it out.

"Why are you even here? I thought you had other plans?'

"Hads and I wanna partyyyyy." She lifts her cup in the air and stumbles backward. I grab her arm and hold her steady, letting out a deep exhale, shaking my head when she laughs. "There was no dick at her sorority thingy." She takes a long pull of her drink. "Why you even care? You invited me, member?"

I let out a small scoff and cock my brow at her. "Fine, you can stay if..." I let go of her arm and take a step back. I hold up three fingers, "you can tell me how many fingers I'm holding up."

She studies me through squinted eyes. "Hmmmm... Purple?" She slurs then murmurs something after that. Her entire body sways and the cup falls out of her hands, spilling vodka all over the kitchen floor.

My body jolts forward and I grab her as her eyes begin to roll back. I hold her body against mine, practically keeping her standing.

She lets out a drunken chuckle. "So muscular." She pinches my pec.

"Yeah, now I know you're extremely drunk."

She laughs into my chest while I haul her out of the kitchen. I can't let her stay here like this. And I can't bring her to her apartment. First, because I have no idea which one she lives in, and second, I can't take the chance of leaving her alone.

She would kill me if she was sober, but I drag her drunk ass across the hall to my apartment. She mumbles something as soon as we step into my apartment, but I can't understand her.

"What?" I laugh and she mumbles again. "Okay, let's get you to bed." I drag her into my bedroom. I flick on the lights and she lets out a subtle groan which makes me laugh.

Lifting her into my arms, I place her body in the middle of my king-sized bed. I can't risk her rolling over and falling off the side of it. She lays on her back with her arms starched above her head. Her flannel crop top rides up giving me a full view of her stomach.

My mind lingers on the thought of how it would feel to run my lips across her creamy skin. I shake that thought from my mind and pull off the boots she's wearing before covering her body with my blue throw blanket.

A light snore falls from her lips and I smile at that before flicking off the lights and shutting the door. The last thing she would want is for me to sleep in bed next to her. So I opt for the couch. I'll wake up with back pain, but I'll do it for her.

Fuck, why am I so obsessed with this girl? I could have had any girl at the party tonight. I mean they definitely made it easy. But with Loni, she makes everything so difficult. And I like that. I like the chase.

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