Chapter 14 - Jace

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This is a bad fucking idea.

But it's too late to turn back now. I'm already scurrying around Shakers's parking lot. I'm a fucking creep.

I looked through the window of Shakers before I started running around the lot like a crazy person, only to see Loni sitting at a table across from some guy. I couldn't see his face, but from the back of his head, I could tell he was no good for her. I shot her a text, telling her not to go home with him and I haven't heard a reply. She saw it though. I caught her checking her phone moments after I sent it.

Again, I'm a fucking creep.

But Kaden convinced me this was a good idea. I should know by now never to listen to him. I should have learned that after the repercussions of his last great idea.

But I don't heed my own warnings well.

I see Loni's blue Kia parked in the back corner of the lot. I glance over my shoulder.

Just go home. This is stupid. You have no business being here.

While my mind tells me one thing, my body tells me another. I run across the parking lot like a wild animal until I reach the driver's side door.

This is so fucking stupid. There's no way her door is even open. As soon as that thought pops into my head, the lock on the door clicks open.

My head turns towards the bar and there she is, walking out with her "date".

Don't do this.

I do it.

I open the door and jump into her car. I close the door before scrambling to the back. My face slams into the seat. I curse under my breath but adjust myself on the floor behind the driver's seat.

I can't do this.

I grab the door handle but before I can make my escape, the front doors open and the two of them slide in.

"My roommate is going to be out late," Loni says, sliding into her seat.

"Good," Douche Lord says, getting in and slamming the door. "Because I'm hoping to be with you all night." His hand grabs onto her bare thigh and I hear a change in her breathing.

Give me a break.

"Shit, we might not even make it to your place," he says, no doubt sliding his scrawny little hand higher up her leg.

I can't fucking take this.

"Hey, guys. Fancy seeing you here."

Loni lets out a gasp, whipping around to face me. Fear coats her expression. Douche Lord is wearing the same face.

I lean my elbows on the console and prop my head up. No longer questioning myself. This is exactly where I need to be.

"Jace, what the fuck!"

"You know this guy?"


"You didn't answer my text," I say with a smug grin.

"Seriously, who the fuck is he?"

I ignore him.

Her face turns bright red. "He's my... We're..." Loni licks her drying lips, not able to find the right words while I sit here absolutely amused.

"I'm the one that's taking her home tonight," I answer for her.

Shock washes over Douche Lord's face.

You ain't getting lucky tonight, buddy.

I raise my brows at him and though I'm wearing a smile, I can feel the rage growing in my eyes.


"No, Marcus—"

He takes her hand and my smile wavers. "It's fine. You have my number. We will do this another time." Douche Lord glares at me over his shoulder but as I lift my hand to wave, he's already scrambling out of the car.

"He seems nice," I mock.

Fire is practically shooting out of Loni's nose with each forceful breath. She's pissed. And I should be scared but I can't help but find her kind of sexy at the moment.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, Jace!"

"You didn't want to go home with him," I say, pushing myself to the front and plopping down in the passenger seat.

She scoffs. "Yes, I did."

"No." I shake my head. "He's not right for you."

"I'm not looking for someone to be right for me. I'm looking—"

"Yeah." I grit my teeth and nod. "I know exactly what you're looking for, Loni. And it needs to stop."

"Okay, hold the fuck on. First, you sneak into my car, and now you are trying to tell me what to do?" She pauses. "Just get out of my car, Jace."

"Have you even thought about the dangers of what you're doing? You can—"

"Yes, Jace, I am aware of what happens when someone has unprotected sex. But I'm not doing that. I'm a big girl. I can look out for, and take care of, myself."

"Can you? Then explain what happened on Wednesday. You certainly needed my help then."

She goes quiet and turns away from me. Her teeth sink into her lower lip and sweat coats her forehead.

"I have the entire car ride for you to explain yourself."

Without a word, Loni pulls out of the lot. Despite my encouragement, she keeps her mouth shut and refuses to tell me anything. It's when she pulls into the complex and parks that I get any words out of her.

"This is my life, okay? I don't need you interfering in my life."

"I'm going to interfere if I see that you are about to get yourself into trouble." I reach over and place my hand lightly on her thigh. A dangerous move, but she doesn't slap it away.

Her mouth hangs open slightly as she looks down. Her breathing hitches. Does she like this? But before I can dwell on the question for too long, she gets out of the car.

"Why do you care? You don't even know me," she asks as soon as I step out of her car.

I sigh and round the car over to her. She crosses her arms over her chest. Creating a barrier between us so I can't get too close.

"I know you've been hurt. And now, you are just trying to feel something."

She lowers her arms and I take the advantage to get closer. Her chest brushes mine and she tilts her head back to look into my eyes. But her expression finally isn't filled with anger. It's with curiosity.

"I know this because I used to be you. I just wish someone cared enough to snap me out of it."

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