Chapter 2: The Mark in the Sky

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August 1994

Ireland won. 170-160. Viktor Krum had caught the snitch, but Ireland won. The crowd went wild as Krum and Lynch had raced for the snitch. Bulgaria may not have won but Krum kept them from the shame of a 320-10 loss at least.

Ron couldn't believe it, but he was still just as content with the fact that Krum had indeed caught the snitch. But Fred and George? Fred and George Weasley were ecstatic. They knew it. They bet everything that they had and they were right. As soon as they collected their earnings they would be looking at getting ready to set up shop. Ah yes, it was all finally coming together.


"Viktor, I love you!~"

"Viktor, I dooooooooooooo!~"

"And when we're apart-"

"-my heart beats only for-"


Hermione couldn't help but giggle at the boys before her. The twins quickly began to circle Ron like vultures, flapping around wildly and chanting "Dumb Krum" as Ron went on and on about him being "an artist."

After deciding that they had teased Ron enough, the twins told him and Harry about the stand where they had seen Krum giving out autographs. The two, eyes alight with excitement, raced out of the tent with a rushed "be back soon" to Molly. Meanwhile Fred and George made their way over to the brunette witch that had been spectating them from the couch.



"Mione," they finished together, setting down a large duffle in front of her, smirking.

"Alright, alright, alright. You guys were right. I concede. How much was your winnings?"

"If we do some quick maths in our heads.."

"I'd say somewhere around eight-hundred and sixty galleons!" Fred opened up the duffle just enough to expose the shiny coins.

"Merlin! Bloody good for you bunch then!"

"See Hermione-"

"We told you it'd be fine!"

"Well I've never been happier to be wrong then."



The entire tent shook.

"Bloody hell!"

"Everyone sure is rowdy tonight!" George laughed.


"Yea.." Arthur Weasley felt a sudden uneasiness. When he turned to his wife he could see the same weariness in her eyes. "It's okay Molls, I'll go out there and see if I can settle them down out there. I'm sure they won't mind."

The ginger patriarch made his way out of the tent when


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