Chapter 8: The First Task

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Monday, November 14, 1994

Hermione had been stressing over the first task for the past two weeks, and it had definitely taken a toll (a very obvious one at that.) This particular morning she walked into the Great Hall for breakfast with her hair in an unusually-more-messy-than-normal-bun and dark purple circles gracing her tired eyes. This particular morning she let out a rather unpleasant and rather loud groan of unadulterated frustration.

"Merlin Hermione! When's the last time you slept?" Ron managed to question through a mouthful of scones. In return Hermione only shot a sharp glare. Ron quickly realized the grumpy witch was ready to blow up at any moment. Luckily, two particular gingers suddenly came to both Ron and Hermione's aids.

"Miss Granger will not be taking any questions until she's had her cup of tea," Fred spoke, imitating a posh and snobby butler. Simultaneously George was working diligently to prepare her tea precisely the way she preferred: black tea with one lump of sugar, stirred twice.

"For you, my lady."

Hermione didn't even hesitate to scold the snarky redheads and instead took the cup immediately. First she breathed in the all too familiar aroma. The Hermione took a nice long sip of the tea. Suddenly it was as if she had been completely reborn. She felt her tense shoulders relax and mind calm.

"There we go Granger," Fred grinned as he sat beside the younger witch. Almost instinctively he reached out and rubbed the area just beneath her left shoulder. A few members of the table seemed to take this minuscule detail into account but quickly dismissed the thought as Hermione seemed content and unaware.

"Thank you, Fred." Hermione smiled up at the ginger boy and took a few more sips of the delicious brew.

Fred fought the urge not to frown. He loved her smile, really. He just wasn't use to seeing her now "normal" front teeth. Just the day before Malfoy had hexed her teeth into growing exponentially and without stop. Apparently while Madam Pomfrey fixed her teeth, Hermione had decided to not tell her to stop where they originally ended. Hermione seemed to enjoy the new look so Fred wasn't too upset but still wished she hadn't felt the need to change at all.

Finally she set down her teacup and cleared her throat. "Now, about that bloody task-"


Hermione and the gang had spent all of breakfast discussing what the first task could possibly be. Harry suggested the possibility of the task being a strategic game like the chess board they encountered in their first year. Neville suggested they just ask McGonagall, to which Ron replied by calling Neville something that earned him a smack to his arm from Ginny. Eventually it was time for classes and they had to postpone their brainstorming.

Though Hermione was already quite displeased by her obligation to compete in the tournament, she was more upset over how the whole situation had been affecting her studies. It had become increasingly difficult to focus during her classes as she not only had to worry about the first task, but also the numerous whispers and stares from her fellow students. For this reason, Hermione found solace within the library, staying in there between classes for most of the month so far. She would hide herself away in the piles of books and the sweet scent of the well loved pages. Viktor Krum had apparently thought the same as Hermione and, within a week, began to hide from all his fans in the library as well. Usually Hermione just kept her head whenever he would pass throughout the castle and grounds followed by a mob of giggling witches, yet, when she found him hiding in the library as well, she couldn't help but feel a sense of solidarity with the talented seeker.

At first the two did not interact with eachother at all. Eventually they began to sit together, still predominantly in silence though. This time would be different though..


"Viktor," Hermione spoke, not even looking up from the thick textbook in front of her, "are you scared?"

"Scared?" he looked at the younger witch with a confused expression, as though he had never heard the word before. Though he looked strong and intimidating, Viktor didn't seem to have much occupying his thoughts behind his eyes. Hermione used to think he wanted fame and glory but, upon observing him over the last week and a half, had concluded he wasn't as he seemed at all.

"Surely, you must be a little worried? I'm honestly so anxious I can barely focus enough to read the words in this book!"

In response, the Bulgarian seeker only smiled. This was the first time anyone had asked if he was worried about the tournament. Most people just ask for autographs or photos. Everyone just assumes that he, "the mighty Viktor Krum," feared nothing in the world. Of course, he did worry and feel fear though. He wasn't invincible after all. Still, it was rare he was ever asked such a genuine question about how he felt. It was refreshing.

Finally, Viktor spoke, "I take you haven't figured it out either, Herminny?"


After a long and exhausting day, Hermione and the gang met up in the common room once again. She sat on the couch between Ron and Harry with the Twins sitting at her feet. Neville and Ginny sat across from the five of them in arm chairs. At first none of them spoke. They were all tired and, honestly, a little angry. They were all frustrated with the entire situation. There was still no clues to who had entered Hermione's name or to what the first task could possibly be. It was all starting to feel a little hopeless.

"Anything eventful today, lads?" George suddenly spoke, attempting to break the awkward silence. There were a few short mumbles about classes and homework but nothing that would take anyone's mind off the tournament. After a short beat of more silence, Ron's eyes lit up.

"Actually, I did receive a letter tom Charlie. I haven't yet opened it, though. I had almost completely forgotten it to be honest."

"Charlie sends you mail and not us?" Fred said, feigning offense. "I thought George and I were his favorites!"

"Oh bugger off you two," Ginny nagged. "Well, Ron, what are you waiting for? What's he have to say?"

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