Chapter 3: The Return to Hogwarts

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September 1, 1994

The last days of the summer had been a rollercoaster of emotions. Everyone had been safe, but no one could shake the uneasiness, even though they all so desperately wanted to relax.

There was a wide range of feelings when it came to returning to Hogwarts. On one hand, everyone was dreading the end of summer. On the other, they were excited to see their friends and do magic. Fred and George were going into their sixth year at Hogwarts. Ron, Harry, and Hermione would be attending their fourth. And of course, Ginny would be in her third.

The entire group just wanted to move on from the whole Quidditch World Cup incident. Little did they know, though, this year at Hogwarts would provide more than enough of a distraction.


It was 11:00 a.m. as the Weasley family- plus Harry and Hermione- arrived to King's Cross Platform 9 3/4. One-by-one they said their goodbyes and boarded the Hogwarts Express and found themselves only a few compartments apart.

Fred and George Weasley were in sour moods. They had been ever since the night after the Quidditch World Cup incident. They had all finally made their way home and wanted nothing more than to eat and get a good night's rest. But before bed, when the twins checked their duffel bag, all the coins had disappeared. The twins' immediate first thought was that someone had robbed them. That idea, though, was very quickly dismissed when Percy and Molly assured no one else had entered the tent and Fred and George recalled that the duffel was still heavy with coins when they first arrived home.

Hermione, Bill, and Percy helped the twins eventually deduce the money most have been leprechaun gold. Everyone was livid, but Fred and George insisted there must have been a mistake. They decided they would just owl Bagman and he'd surely get them their money. Still, Bagman never responded. Now Fred was boiling. George, however, was still holding out for the possibility that he was just a very busy man. Still, they both knew deep down they had been swindled and they were ashamed. They should've listened to Hermione.



"Yes, Lee."

"Everything you had?"

"As we said, Lee," Fred grimaced. He realised that he and George were being a bit rude but they were just so put off.

Hermione suddenly appeared in their compartment's door way. Noticing the tension, she threw Lee a glance of sympathy. Hermione decided it was best not to mention the whole Bagman situation and thought she could come distract the twins.

"Were the three of you aware that Hogwarts has enslaved house elves working in our kitchens?" she asked sitting down beside Lee and across from the twins.

They all looked at the younger witch curiously.

"Did you not?" spoke Lee. House elf enslavement was a common practice in the wizarding world. They were surprised that Hermione of all people didn't know something so widely accepted. "How else did you expect all that food had been made?"

Hermione was floored. "Literal MAGIC, Lee."

The twins laughed and Hermione's face contorted bitterly.

"Do none of you find this outrageous?"

"Why would we?" the three questioned, not a single drop of insincerity in their voices. They genuinely didn't understand the issue.

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