Chapter 10: Ferrets, Friends, and Foes

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November 23, 1994 - The day before the first task

Hermione was not happy. She was stressed, anxious, and all around peeved off. Rita Skeeter's article on the tournament champions landed in front of her at breakfast and it was more than fair enough to say that Hermione did not like what was written.


Earlier that morning at breakfast

"Hermione Granger, a rather plain 15 year old witch, is a particularly interesting student. It is obvious her relationship with one particular Harry Potter is how she was able to enter the Tournament. How else would a typically forgettable and unusual muggleborn witch be able to manipulate the rules of such an important event? Is she only dating Potter for his fame and status? I have a strong feeling we shall see as time goes on and as Granger gradually reveals her true nature."

The rest of gang was absolutely dumbfounded as Hermione angrily read the article.

"Did she say 'dating Potter'? Since when have you two been dating? Were you not going to tell me?"

Ginny smacked Ron on the back of his head. "No you sod! That's the point: they aren't dating. All this woman does is write lies off as truths!"

"Plus Hermione has standards," George piped up, earning a glare from both Hermione and Harry.

"Every 'quote' she used from me was twisted and taken out of context. And I was even purposely answering in ways that couldn't be misconstrued. At this point it's just blatant lies!"

Hermione was so angry she was shaking. Everyone tried to calm her down, but all attempts were in vain. There was no way Hermione could just forgive and forget this slander.


Hermione was still angry as she walked through the courtyard with Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron both tried to make light conversation but to no avail. Unfortunately there wasn't much to do in their situation. All they could hope was that no one would actually believe that rubbish.

As if on cue though, one Draco Malfoy managed to stop the trio wearing an evil grin that could send chills down any spine.

"Well if it isn't Potter and his mudblood girlfriend. Oh and I always forget your little Weasley friend. Speaking of forgetting, how does it feel to be the less famous third wheel to Potter and Granger here?"

Before Harry and Ron could speak Hermione was balling up a fist, apparently ready for a repeat of third year.  This did not go unnoticed by Malfoy.

"Are you gonna hit me again you filthy mudblood? I dare you. My father will have you expelled from this school. Then you will be magicless for the rest of your life just like your muggle parents. What a shame too, I was really looking forward to watching you die in the tournament."

Just as Hermione pulled back her fist to land another facer on the pale bitch boy, a set red-headed twins grabbed her and pulled her sway.

"He isn't worth it Mia," Fred whisper into her ear. Hermione was still on fire but hearing Fred's soft and calm voice was able to bring some of her senses back to her. In fact, she was almost distracted by Fred's abnormally calm and sensible demeanor since he was typically the more hot-headed twin.

"Crazy bitch" muttered Draco as he laughed to his other Slytherin friends.

All of Fred's calm and reason quickly went out the window. His hot-headed side was ready to come out and play.

"The fuck did you say?" Fred was seething. George and Hermione now held him back.

"You heard me. She's a crazy bitch. And you and your pathetic muggle loving family are crazy too."

Now Fred, George, and Ron were all flaming red in the face. Hermione and Harry were trying to drag them away. Hermione had quickly realized that a fight really was the last thing she needed today. Fred was nice enough to save her, so naturally she should stop him too.

After finally pulling all three Weasley's away, Hermione and Harry quickly began to rush the three gingers away when Fred turned back once more.

"At least my parents are cousins, you incestuous bigot," Fred spat as he turned to walk away with the others.

Malfoy, per usual, could not take what he dished out and became incredibly angry at Fred's comment. He quickly motioned toward his wand.

"Why you-"

The group turned just in time to witness Professor Moody jump out and transfigure the pale boy into a white ferret squirming in the air.


Later that night...

Hermione had spent a majority of the day in the library reading up on dragons. Harry and the Twins had informed Cedric of the impending challenge as he was also a friend and fellow Hogwarts student. This meant Hermione was certainly not alone in her studies. On top of that Viktor had apparently also been made aware of the situation as Hermione found him amongst the shelves reading about dragon fire. A part of Hermione was concerned for Fleur Delacour since she did not know whether or not she was prepared for the task. Unfortunately there wasn't much Hermione could do to help Fleur since she never saw her around. Hermione just hoped that Hagrid told Madame Maxime since he helped take care of the dragons.

Since when had her life become so complicated?

Hermione laughed at her thoughts. Her life had always been complicated. The real question was when would it not be?

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