Chapter 12: Celebration and a Golden Egg

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Exhausted from her long day of stress, dragon slaying, and interviews, Hermione trudged behind Ginny as she was dragged up the stairs towards Gryffindor Tower. All Hermione wanted to do now was go to bed. Unfortunately, soon after The Fat Lady let them in, Hermione realized sleep would not come any time soon.

The Gryffindor Common Room

Hermione walked in to see the common room packed wall to wall. The entirety of Gryffindor house welcoming her to celebrate her victory.

"Surprise!" Ginny smiled at her friend. "Enjoy yourself, Mione. You deserve to let loose tonight."

Before Hermione could say a thing, Ginny had quickly scurried off to socialize. Hermione weaved through the crowd, trying to find a quieter corner or chair. With every step Hermione received some variety of 'Congratulations, Hermione, you rule!' Eventually she found a spot by a bookshelf that wasn't very crowded. Finally she could at least hear her own thoughts.

"Not feeling like partying?" A deep and warm voice suddenly spoke quietly to her right.

Hermione turned to meet the gaze of none other than Fred Weasley himself. She suddenly became aware of the close proximity between their faces and took a small step backwards, feeling her face quickly heat up.

"Would you if you had just spent your day playing the most dangerous game of capture the flag?" Hermione spoke with a dry laugh.

Fred just looked at her with a curious look on his face.

"Oh! I forget sometimes.. Capture the flag is the name of a muggle game I was always forced to play in gym. If only I had known I would one day be playing it with a pretty pissed off dragon."

Fred just grinned at her. Hermione felt her face warm again. His eyes were so.. so gentle. Wait. What was she even thinking?

Hermione's thoughts were quickly by Fred's voice. When she looked back up at him she realized he must have asked her a question as he looked at her expectantly.

"I'm sorry, I seemed to have zoned out there. What was that?"

"I asked if you wanted any chocolate. I know you're particularly fond of it, and George and I brought plenty," the tall ginger smiled.

Hermione couldn't help but frown a little. "You want me to eat a sweet that you and George brought? When I have no idea if it has been tampered with?" she chuckled almost bitterly.

"You wound me, Mione," Fred feigned offense. "I solemnly swear I haven't tampered with the chocolate. It's the canary cremes you've got to look out for."

Fred winked with the last comment. Almost as if right on cue Seamus Finnigan transformed into a bright yellow canary and Neville Longbottom was dramatically spitting out a yellow sweet. Hermione couldn't help but smile and giggle.

Fred beamed as he watched her laugh. She hadn't noticed that he hadn't taken his eyes off of her. He wondered if she would ever realize how amazing Fred felt when she smiled because of him.

Just as Hermione was turning back towards the wizard beside her, George and Ginny came running over to grab them both.

"C'mon you two! We're all supposed to be celebrating!" Ginny spoke as she and George dragged the two towards the center of the crowd.

Once they made it to the middle Harry and Ron came running in with Golden Egg that Hermione had worked so hard to obtain.

"ALRIGHT YOU LOT!" Ginny yelled out to the tt
s/crowd who all turned towards the group in the center. Ginny then nodded her head towards the twins who promptly grabbed Hermione to hoist her in the air. Before she could protest Fred whispered into her ear "I'm not going to let you fall."

"WHO WANTS TO SEE WHAT THIS EGG HAS INSIDE OF IT?" Harry yelled out. The entire common room responded with a loud cheer.

Harry passed the Golden Egg to Hermione.
She examined the intricately designed egg. Hermione reached for the top of the egg, its golden clasp. With one deep inhale Hermione finally opened the egg.


As soon as Hermione turned the top clasp of the egg it sprung open. A loud high pitched screeching immediately emitted from the egg. The entire common collectively clamped their hands firmly to their ears in hopes of protecting their eardrums from the horrid sound. This included Hermione who, when doing so, dropped the Golden Egg to the ground. The egg remained open though. Everyone still had their hands covering their ears, too preoccupied to even think of closing the egg.

The only person who hadn't protected their ears was one Fred Weasley. He knew if he had, he would've dropped Hermione. He had promised she wouldn't fall, and he intended on keeping that promise well. The noise didn't stop and it had almost become far too much to bear. Luckily, with Hermione on his right shoulder, she managed to buffer the sound from his right ear. Still his left ear rang so hard he was sure it would bleed.

George, who had immediately covered his ears forgetting the witch on his left shoulder, looked at his twin and realized his ears were too exposed and that he was holding up Hermione's weight completely on his right shoulder. George, wanting to end his brother's suffering, made his way to the egg, only moving his hands from his ears to quickly close the egg.


"WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL?" Ron exclaimed, his ears still ringing.

"ALRIGHT YOU LOT, I think it's safe to say this party is over! Head off to bed," George ordered as Ginny and Harry ushered people to the dorms.

Meanwhile Fred Weasley's left ear was still ringing and in excruciating pain. Hermione took quick notice of the tall ginger's unusually quiet demeanor. She walked over towards him only to see his left ear was bleeding.

"Fred!" Hermione exclaimed, drawing the attention of George, Ron, Ginny, and Harry. "YOUR EAR IS BLEEDING!"

George's face went pale.

"Did you not cover your ears?" Ron asked worriedly.

"I would've dropped Hermione if I had.."

Hermione's heart sank. She was the reason his ear was bleeding? Why didn't he just drop her? She would've understood. Did he think she'd be mad? Or scold him?

"We have to get him to Madame Pomfrey asap," Ginny spoke anxiously as she frantically grabbed Fred with the others hot on her heels.


"Mr Weasley will be fine. He only ruptured his ear drum. Normally it would heal itself in a few weeks, but if he takes this potion every day it should be healed by the end of the week without any permanent damage," Madame Pomfrey told the group. "I do suggest you hurry of to bed though. Tomorrow is still Friday meaning you'll still have classes."

"Is it okay if I stay here beside him, Madame Pomfrey?" George asked. "He is my twin after all."

"Of course Mr Weasley, I understand."

As the others turned to walk away, Hermione piped up, "I would also like to stay a bit longer."

Madame Pomfrey gave Hermione a strange look but simply nodded and left the two to sit with Fred.

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