Chapter 5: The Twins

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October 1994

A week had passed since Dumbledore had announce the tournament and Fred and George were determined they would be entering their names in that bloody Goblet. But first..

"Mr Bagman!"

"Ludo Bagman!"

The twins called out to the former quidditch player as they ran up to him. He had obviously been avoiding them.

"Why hello boys! What do I owe the pleasure?" Ludo spoke through a fake cheesy smile.

"Well we owled you and you never did respond-"

"You see Mr Bagman-"

"-it's seems you mistook us for fools."

"Whatever do you mean?" Ludo instantly became visibly anxious. His hand shook ever so slightly, and his eyes darted around the room, careful not to land on the twins for longer than a few moments.

"You see, Bagman-"

"We wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt when we first saw our galleons had- quite literally- magically disappeared," George grinned through a grimace, putting a good bit of emphasis on that last part.

"Now boys," Bagman stammered but before he could say whatever lame excuse he had practiced for moments such as these, Fred continued the twins' verbal onslaught.

"You see we did a bit of light research on you, Ludovic Bagman."

"We know we weren't the first poor blokes to be played by you-"

"-and we knew if we didn't do something about that, we certainly wouldn't be the last."

"Give us our money back," the two finished together.

Bagman was flustered. His face was red and a small sweat began to break out on his forehead. He stammered for words that wouldn't seem to fall from his mouth. His stunned embarrassment didn't last long, though, as his face quickly contorted to one of anger. He was positively outraged at the audacity of the two boys in front of him and quickly became very nasty with the twins.

"And what exactly do you two think you're going to do if you don't get it back?" the older wizard spat. "You think you can come here and try to intimidate me or something? Threaten me? Blackmail me? I thought you boys were supposed to be smart but I guess you really are just a couple of fools. I never forced you to make that bet. You were the ones who just had to gamble even though you're too young and dim witted. Grow up."

Fred was boiling, but before he could lash out, Bagman was gone.

"Fuck! That cowardly spineless shit! Bloody conniving, no good- We should turn him in to the ministry. See how the goblins feel about his little tricks."

"Woah there, Gred! Calm down, mate. We have to think rationally. It's his word against ours. We can't just blackmail him."

"Since when have you become such a goody two shoes?" Fred fumed. He immediately calmed when he saw the look on his twin's face, though. Bugger. George had always been the reasonable one. Fred was the hot head with one hell of a Weasley temper. Fred hated that about himself sometimes; he always seemed to lash out and hurt people.

"Bloody hell.. I'm sorry Georgie. You're right. It's just- I'm. So. Bloody. Livid."

George simply slung his arm around his other half's neck and walked him back to the Gryffindor tower, joking the entire way in hopes of lightening the mood. It worked.


Fred and George entered the common room to see the usual hustle and bustle. It was 3:00 sharp. Many students were trudging to or in from their last classes. In any other school year, the twins and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team would be getting ready for their second practice of the day at the demand of Oliver Wood just about this time. Fred grinned at the thought of Oliver's reaction if this had been his last year at Hogwarts and quidditch had been canceled. Luckily for Oliver, he graduated the year prior and now a reserve member of Puddlemore United. And luckily for the rest of the team, Angelina Johnson was too preoccupied with the tournament to care about any attempts at early morning practices this year.

Speaking of Angelina, she had just walked across the common room to bother Hermione Granger on the couch.

"Hermione, pleaseeeeeee-"

"I'm sorry Ange but you know I can't.."

"Why not, though? Listen I know you're just technically reserve right now.."

"You guys don't need me."

"That's not true! I'm not gonna be at Hogwarts forever Hermione. Neither will Alicia, or Katie, or Fred and George. Sure we'll have Potter, and Ginny, but besides that who knows what'll happen. We actually got lucky that quidditch was canceled this year since we don't even have an official keeper anymore. In fact, if we had had quidditch this year there's a good chance I would've had to play back as keeper for a bit and you go in as a chaser. You're a great chaser. Gryffindor is going to need you in the future. Try out again next year. Don't quit on me, Granger."

"Ange, you already know what I'm going to say. I'll have my O.W.L.s next year. I'd love to play but you know I won't be able to keep up with the quidditch schedule and my studies."

"Bull. Shit. Granger, you can literally do anything and everything. You're like incapable of failing.."

Before either could continue, their conversation was quickly cut short but a loud 'ahem'. The two turned to see the twins grinning down at them.

"Sorry, Ange. We'd love to help you convince Mione to suffer your reign of tyranny for another year on the team but we have simply more important and pressing matters to handle at the moment," George laughed.

"George Weasley if you-" Angelina glared.

"Woah, woah," Fred began. "Why'd you just assume that was me, Angie? Honestly how can you still not tell me and Fred apart?"

"Fred," Hermione spoke this time. "Don't even try to pull that on Ange. We all know she had it right."

Angelina leaned over and whispered a small giggle into Hermione's ear, "Thanks Mione but I was taking a guess."

"Hey!" the two gingers before them frowned.

"Secrets don't make friends, Ange."

Hermione and Angelina stood up together.

"But friends make secrets," Hermione winked. And with that, the two girls walked off giggling.

Fred and George were too busy staring to care about the reason they had wanted to speak with Hermione in the first place.

This chapter is a little short but i hope you all enjoy!

On The Pitch: A Fremione AUWhere stories live. Discover now