A/N : A Guide to the Many Nicknames of Hermione Granger

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In this fic, I use many many many nicknames for Hermione. I personally am a nickname kind of girl. It's such a big indicator of one's affection (whether negative or positive.) Hermione is of course not the only person with nicknames.

Gin- Ginny
Gred- Fred
Forge- George
Nev- Neville
Lu- Luna

But most of these nicknames are pretty universal. This is a breakdown to the different names given to Hermione and by who.

Mione - pronounced "my-own-nee" (I mean you all pretty much know this one), her basic nickname used by all her friends.

Mine - used only by the twins, some say they were too lazy to sound out every syllable of "Mione" so shortened it even further.

Min- pronounced like "Gin", used by Ginny most likely to match her own nickname

Mia- pronounced "mee-ah" (I was always conflicted between it being pronounced "mee-ah" and "mai-ah" but chose this one because it felt more affectionate), used by Fred, Neville, and Harry

Minny- the only way Viktor can even come close to Hermione's name, suggested to him by Hermione (much to Ginny's dismay because it was too close to her nickname for Hermione)

Granger- not really a nickname i guess but used often but only by the twins, Draco, and Sirius

And that concludes our guide to Hermione's nicknames. I hope this helps give some more insight into the characters and dialogue! The next chapter should be out very soon!


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