[🔷️🎶] 💚Let Me Down💚 Leonard x Reader

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A/N: Tbh I was never was "into" Leonard. But slowly, he's been growing on me 😏😌. Can't find many x Readers on him. So, I guess I just gotta do it myself 🥴


Leonard and I have been fighting ever since he decided he wanted to go to Bird Island and steal the eggs.

I was opposed to it. Even though I was also a pig and his wife, I knew stealing the eggs wasn't a good idea it was an awful idea. Especially since our neighbors weren't all chickens, after all.

We were fine without eggs for years, but he wanted to prove a stupid point!

I told him over and over again but he wouldn't listen!

Now our kingdom, at least of what's left of it, is in pieces and in shambles.

I woke up after being knocked out by the ginormous explosion. I groaned as I slowly started to get my hearing and vision back, my eyes went wide, "What happened?!" I exclaimed.

I looked around and all of our TNT was gone, our buildings made of wood and glass were broken, and our castle was just rubble.

I noticed a lot of our citizens miraculously survived. However, I couldn't find Leonard.

I found my fallen crown nearby, it was bent and burned but I picked it up anyways and placed it on my head. I then started to search for my stupid stubborn husband, "Leonard! Where are you!"

I ran over to some citizens, and they bowed, but I didn't bother saying hello back, as I was starting to panic, "Do you know where Leonard is."

They looked at each other and back at me as they shooked their heads.

I let out a heavy sigh and nodded at them, "Thank you."

I turned and continued to call him out, "Leonard!"

I walked over debris that was piled on top of each other. I found a large, tall pile and started to carefully make my way over, I started to climb on top of it so I could have a better view of my surrounding area.

I finally got to the top and scanned the whole area while out of breath, what mostly caused me to lose my breath was actually the sheer amount of damage our kingdom has suffered.

It was sad and horrifying to witness. But that ended quickly as my thoughts were pulled out by a familiar voice.

"Queen (Y/N)! Over here!"

I looked over and saw Ross jumping and waving at me. He stopped and started to tug on something or someone. It looked like he was having trouble pulling a pig out. Beside Ross was Leonard's crown.

I put two and two together and realized it was Leonard stuck under the rubble.

I stumbled down the pile of debris, almost falling on my face, only to catch myself with my hoof. I pushed myself up and ran towards where Ross was.

There was a giant boulder, and without wasting any more time, I ran to the side of the rock and pushed as hard as I can, I turned my body and pushed with my back, I was able to lift up the rock just enough where Ross pulled him out.

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