✅️[☁️Flufftober☁️] #4 💚 Supporting Hobbies

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You were in bed on your laptop, tapping away, writing a fanfic. It was almost time for you to go to sleep, but you just had a plot bunny come by your brain's doorstep and it started multiplying!

You placed your earbuds in and played some background music as you were writing your story. You didn't notice Leonard coming into the room. He saw you focusing hard on your laptop screen and smirked.

Leonard got closer to you and that's when you saw him within your peripheral vision. You looked up and back at your laptop, but then did a double-take and slammed the laptop shut, popping out your earbuds.

"What were you doing?" Leonard asked, now he was really curious as to why you were hiding your screen.

You thought about what you wrote and started to feel the heat creep up, "Nothing..."

Leonard began climbing on top of the bed and made himself comfortable, laying down beside you. His elbow was on the pillow as his hoof held his head, "If it was nothing then why did you hide your laptop?"

You tried to find an explanation, but you hesitated and just said the first thing in your mind, "Porn?"

"Ooh, let me see." Leonard smiled, reaching for the laptop.

You let out a yelp and grabbed the laptop before he could and pulled away, "No!"

Leonard started to snicker, "Oh, come on! Not like we don't watch it tog--"

"AH! I know!" You howled in laughter.

"Then what's the problem?"

You placed the laptop down, holding on to it, you took a second to think about what you wanted to say, "It's not porn. I mean, not the visual kind. It's more of the reading kind. If that makes sense?"

Leonard raised his eyebrows in realization, "Like erotica?"

Your mouth dropped open, "You know erotica?"

He let out an amused scoff, "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

You chuckled and shrugged, "I don't know. I just never realized."

"So, were you reading erotica then?" Leonard asked. He was still curious about what you were hiding.

You thought for a moment, you could lie and just say yes, it's not really a lie. But then again, you did kind of want to tell him your side hobby. You were nervous though, what if he judged you and thought your writing was garbage?


"Uhm," You began as you twiddle your hooves, "if I told you. You won't judge me for it. Right?"

Leonard gave you a serious look, "There's nothing wrong with reading erotica."

You giggled and shook your head, "I'm not reading erotica. I mean, I do read it. It's just, uhm, I make erotica...fan...fic...tion?" You strained out, smiling nervously at your partner.

He stared at you and nodded, "Okay."

"I mean, I don't write just erotica! I also write cute fluffy stuff too!" You explained.

"Would it be okay if I read it?" Leonard asked you with a smile.

"Read my fanfics?"

Leonard nodded, "Yeah, if that's okay with you. I would love to read your...fanfics? Right."

You stared at the laptop and sighed, shoving it toward Leonard, "Just don't judge me. And if you do, don't tell me!"

He let out a hearty chuckle and kissed your forehead, "I'm not going to judge you."

"Okay..." you murmured. You lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket up to your face as you watched Leonard open up the laptop.

You stared intently, watching Leonard's reaction. He scrolled to the top of your story and began reading.

You started to feel a tinge of regret but it was kind of too late now. Although, it did seem like Leonard was enjoying your writing. He wasn't laughing out loud like you thought he was going to. He was actually very concentrated on what you wrote.

Leonard finished and looked over at you, "This is wonderfully written, my dear! Do you post it online?"

You sat up on the bed and stared at him in disbelief, "Yeah! I do. I get a few thousand viewers." You let out a small gasp, "You should follow me!"

Leonard grabbed his phone while you told him about the website that you posted on. He made an account found your profile and followed you.

"Did you really think it was good?" You asked him, hoping to get positive reassurance.

"Yes! Although, there are some errors here and there but it's an easy fix."

You felt so happy, you were filled with enthusiasm. You always kept this hobby to yourself and now, you can finally talk about it with someone and have a potential helper! "Do you want to be my beta reader?!"

Leonard furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused, "What's that?"

"It's someone who proofreads and makes sure there's nothing wrong with the fic!" You grinned.

Leonard chuckled, seeing how excited you are. Seeing you this happy, he couldn't possibly say no, "Of course, my dear."

"Yes! Oh my goodness. I have so many ideas and fanfictions I want to write!" You started to ramble on about different prompts that you found and some fanfics you were thinking about starting.

While you were going on, Leonard listened to you thoughtfully. Smiling and nodding as you go on about your hobby that he never knew you were so into.

Every other night, Leonard began helping you with your many plots and became your beta reader. Helping you with spelling and grammar errors. He would even get excited with you when you received a like on your story. Especially if Leonard helped you create the story.

One day, Leonard admitted that he thought up a really interesting plot for one of his favorite movies and wanted to make his own fanfiction. Of course, you supported him!

Just like how he supported you.

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