[🔷️💬] ⛈️The Great Storm⛈️ Angry Birds x Reader

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☆Requested by: Princesslover19

Background Info:

☆Name☆: Yasmin

♡Love Interest/Relationship♡: Red

◇Family◇: Mighty Eagle (Ethan), Zeta, Debbie

♧Friends♧: Chuck and Bomb

¤Cameos¤: Matilda, Terence, Zoe, Hank, Silver

Pt: 1


A strong wind blew through Bird Island as it whisteled loudly through out the village. Every year, a dangerous storm sweeps through the island. And every year, the birds prepare themselves for the upcoming storm. They all travel through the tropical forest and towards a cave that protected the birds over the years.

Ever since the eagles became inhabitants on Bird Island, there wasn't enough room in one of the main caves located at the base of Hero Mountain, however, Mighty Eagle, a bald eagle and the swore protector of Bird Island, knows another cave located on the other side of the mountain.

It was predicted that this month's storm will be coming tomorrow afternoon. The birds all packed their important belongings, prepared for the storm tomorrow.

Yasmin packed her things and headed towards Red's house so they can leave together, it was a rough trip, the wind blew hard against Yasmin as she tried to push through it harder. She eventually made it to Red's as she reached for the front door handle and opened it, jumping inside his house and slamming the door behind her as she panted.

When Yasmin looked up, she noticed Chuck and Bomb, her two bestest friends, were there. Chuck was sitting on the floor on top of a pillow, while Bomb was sitting on a chair pulled up by the couch, sitting adjacent to Red. She gave them a soft smile as she waved.

"Hey, Yasmin!" Bomb said as he smiled at her.

Chuck grinned. "Yasmin! Glad you could make it."

"Hey!" Yasmin beamed as she fixed her feathers.

Red had a smirk on his face. "Thought you might have blown away."

Yasmin rolled her eyes as she chuckled. She walked towards the group and sat beside Red on the couch, throwing her packed belongings on the floor. Red comfortably placed his wing on the back rest of the couch behind Yasmin, making himself comfortable.

"Have you heard about the storm this year?" Chuck asked Yasmin as he looked up at her.

Yasmin shook her head. "No, not really."

"Weather reporter said it's going to be the worst one in years," Red said casually.

The wind outside blew hard, making Red's house slightly creak.

"Oh..." Was all that came out of Yasmin.

There was a sudden bright light outside followed by wall shaking thunder. Yasmin let out a yelp as she hugged Red.

Red glanced over at the window across the room with furrowed eyebrows. "Wow!"

Chuck and Bomb were holding each other as they shook in fear.

Red's radio started to send out a chilling emergency siren.

Silver's voice came on the radio. "Attention all residents of Bird Island. This is not a drill, please evacuate your homes immediately and go to the nearest shelter. I repeat, this is not a drill."

Angry Birds x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now