Chapter 16: She's dead and he's a rotten cheater! Part one !

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[- HEY! so a shout out to everyone who is reading this and voting! you guys are amazing! if you dont mind me asking... could you maybe ... Follow ,vote and comment ? DONT KILL ME IM SORRY! YOU DONT HAVE TO... but it would be nice? so i had a brilliant idea, all of my characters mean something in the story and I dont want them to be random so Chris is coming back into the story... hopefully soonish? yay :D and before I forget, I will follow, comment, vote and read your stories! :D just comment saying and i'll add it to my list !

stay strong, stay beautiful!

-Abby x-]

Chapter 16: she's dead and he's a rotten cheater! Part one

Melissa's pov:

The darkness was nice, a sort of release . But a release from what? I didn't feel very different. There was a sudden burst of light and it felt as if it was a sign. The final stage of the release, it made me happy, cheerful.

But the light disappeared and it plunged me back into the darkness. It made me stressed, upset... I wanted to kill the person that did this to me. To take away the light!

'Melissa, live your life to the fullest. Because I'm taking over soon and it will make your life hell.' The voice warned me.

'But why? Why can't I go to the light?' I asked.

'Because that isn't where you belong. You are in the stages of death and up there... You will never go.' The voice tried to comfort me but it couldn't because the voice itself was distressed about this fact.

'Ok, why are you so upset? ' I questioned.

'I don't want you to leave, I want to know more about you, but I can't. Now wake up, someone is waiting for you.' The voice told me.

'They can wait, don't you have any friends? any relatives?'

'I don't know anyone besides you, my family is dead' the voice admitted.

There was a sudden sound of water dripping, I looked around to see a figure crying blood, it looked as if it had a male figure but I don't know... It's so dark, the only visible thing is the bright red blood.

'Why are you crying?' I asked.

'I'm alone... I don't want to hurt anyone but... I have to... I have to hurt you, I have to hurt many people to keep you alive' It weeped. The figure didn't show any signs of what gender it was not even its voice.

'You have me ?' I reassured.

'But I'm going to hurt you, YOU MIGHT DIE! I hurt everyone. I . I can't be trusted!' It cried.

'You can hurt me, kill me, torture me.. But everyone needs a friend. And I am your friend.' I smiled.

'You are nice, I am not. How does that work? ' it asked me.

'It just does. Just don't cry !' I said walking up to it.

'NO ! Don't! I'll hurt you. You don't want to come close to me, it will make the time shorter.' The figure stepped back.

'Okay. I won't come near you. Where- where are we?' I looked around.

'I told you, we are in the depths of death' it spoke assertively.

'Ok... Is there anything to eat? I'm starving!' I asked hungrily.

'Oh no! Quick go back!' There was a sudden burst of light behind me... But it wasn't the same light, it felt cold. Not the warmth I felt. It felt lonely, destroyed. Not happy and cheerful, not complete like that other light.

'Remember, I will always be your friend,' I reminded the figure as I walked into the light.

I woke up to the sound of praying?

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