Hyunsuk •Weekend•

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◇9 O'clock In the morning◇

Sun is up. Weather is pleasant. Almost everyone is up. But the girl name "Y/n" still in the bed dreaming. Not caring If the world ends or alien appear.

There is a reason behind her sleeping like this. Its her first weekend in this month. The previous weekend she had to work since the company got a big deal.

Y/n Is the CEO of a fashion designing company. Being a CEO means a lot of work with no vacation. As a result she had to work every freaking day on previous week.

Since previous weeks she didn't get any weekend this week she took a vacation for whole week.

She was sleeping peacefully when her beloved husband decided to wake her up.

《Choi Hyunsuk. Its the most important name to Y/n. And the person Is her most beloved person her husband. It wasn't easy for her to be with Hyunsuk since he is a famous kpop idol. He is a member and the leader of the group Treasure.

As a idol it also wasn't easy for him to be with his wife. But nothing could stop them. The finally got tied in the knot of marriage. YG didn't support them at first but the power of their love and fans made YG back off. They are living a perfect life now.

These days Hyunsuk was also busy. They couldn't spend time with each other. It was difficult for them. But both of them love their profession. They love each other how they are. They are always there for each other.

Today Hyunsuk planned a lot of thing since it was Weekend. But Y/n is still sleeping which is annoying him. But he knows how tired she is. So he decided to not disturb her》

◇20 min passed◇

Hyunsuk decided to take a look at
Y/n if she is awake.

He opened the door and saw her sleeping. He made a disappointed face.

◇more 20 min passed◇

He again came and opened the door.
She is still sleeping. Hyunsuk felt annoyed. He was about to go and wake her up but.

"Stop it Hyunsuk she needs rest. You should make breakfast for her. She needs a lot of healthy food"
Hyunsuk said to himself and went to the kitchen with a determined mind.

"Hwaiting" He cheered himself and started cooking.

He made pancakes, Chocolate milkshake. He decorated the pancakes with Strawberry, blue Berry, raspberry, banana etc.

He made cute bunny and hampstar faces On the pancakes. "Done!" He said with a satisfied smile. "My Princess will be happy" Hyunsuk said and made his way to their bedroom.

He opened the door of the bedroom.
"Princ---" Hyunsuk couldn't find Y/n on the bedroom. "Where are you baby?" Hyunsuk said and moved the messy blanket. What he saw made him smiled.

Y/n was curled up like a tiny ball almost on the edge of the bed. He was admiring how cute his wife is.
Y/n moved a little and was about to fall but Hyunsuk catched her.

He picked her up and placed her on his lap. Hugging her. Y/n was still in deep sleep making a tiny pout. He kissed her pouty lips and called her name while caressing her gleamy brown messy hair.

Y/n didn't like the disturbance. She moved and hugged him like a koala.
She hide her face in his neck. Hyunsuk smiled.

They stayed like that for sometime. Then Hyunsuk said with the softest voice possible, "Y/nie. Wake up" while Caressing her hair. "Maksnsiwnw" is what he got from Her.

"How am I suppose to understand this baby?" Hyunsuk said with a smile. He again called for her to wake her up.
"I wanna sleep moorrreee" Y/n replied while hugging him more tightly.

Hyunsuk smiled and said, "OK sleep after having breakfast. Late breakfast is bad for you health" Hyunsuk said. "Nothing would happen. If I skip one meal. Lemme sleep" y/n replied in a low sleepy voice..

Hyunsuk sighed, "A lot would happen. Now wake up. I made breakfast for you".
Y/n immediately looked at him with half opened eyes, " what did you make?" She asked. "Your Favourite things. Pancakes and shake" Hyunsuk said.

"Oooo...but I'm feeling too much exhausted to go and eat. Just lemme sleep" Y/n said again hide her face in the crock of his neck. Hyunsuk didn't waste a second and carried her to the bathroom.

He made her sit on the counter. And handed her the toothbrush. Y/n was still dozing off. "Brush your teeth" Hyunsuk said. Y/n started brushing her teeth as slow as possible eith half closed eyes.

She finished doing it. Hyunsuk again picked her up and carried her to the dinning.

"Open you mouth" Hyunsuk ordered
y/n..Y/n lazily obeyed him. Hyunsuk couldn't but smiled at her cuteness..

Y/n lazily chewed the piece of food. Then straighten her head properly. "Is it good?" Hyunsuk asked. Y/n nodded multiple times and opened her mouth.
Hyunsuk smiled and feed her.

They completed their breakfast.

" I feel fresh now" Y/n said still on Hyunsuk's lap. "What do you want to do now?" Hyunsuk said caressing her hair.
"Hug you" Y/n said hugging her tightly.
Hyunsuk smiled.

"Nothing else?" Hyunsuk said. "Imma think bout it" Y/n said muffling her face in his neck.

"Let's watch a drama" Y/n said. "As you say" Hyunsuk said. "But---" Y/n said and Hyunsuk looked at her.. Y/n pointed on her pouty lips. Hyunsuk smiled and kissed it. "Shall we go and watch?" Hyunsuk said after breaking the kiss.
Y/n nodded happily.

They went to their living room and started the home theater. "Let's watch Start up" Y/n said. "Nope. We have watched it more than 4 times" Hyunsuk said. "Ok then im going to sleep" Y/n said. "Ok ok. Don't go we are watching start up" hyunsuk said stopping her. y/n smiled in victory.

◇after 20min◇

Normally Y/n talk a lot while watching start up but this time She wasn't even making a move.

Hyunsuk looked at her and find her asleep on his chest. He smiled.
"I didn't realise you are this tired" Hyunsuk said and carried her to the bed room.

He tucked her in the blanket and himself also. "I will never let your tears fall from you eyes. Im here for you always" he Kissed her forehead. "Sleep well my love" Hyunsuk said hugging her tightly. And
They got lost in their dreamland.







Words count: 1142

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