Jaehyuk •Blessed•

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"Jeongwoo" Jaehyuk called him by his name for the 3rd time. But it doesn't effect his deep slumber. Jaehyuk is about to graduate high school today. Jeongwoo said he wants to see him off to school. But He is still sleeping and Jaehyuk is trying to wake him up. "Ok then I'm leaving. Don't complain after that I didn't try to wake you up" Jaehyuk said Jeongwoo hummed.

"I'm going" He said as Jeongwoo stretched his hand to pat Jaehyuk's head.He mumbled something which was impossible for Jaehyuk to understand.
But he smiled seeing Woo's fluffy morning face. He gave him a headpat back and  left their dorm for school.

High school graduation is a momentous chapter in anyone's life. While walking to school. He thought about a lot of things like what would he do after graduation,  would he continue studies anymore or not. This thoughts made him feel that he has grown up as an adult. He has to make decisions for himself now.

He has a big responsibility which is himself. No one would pressurise him about his good or bad. Its kinda a relief
That he is now independent. But it is also difficult. He will have burdensome responsibilities in his professional life.
Lots of thoughts were roaming around his head.


He was lost on thoughts when he finally reached at his destination. Everyone were at the courtyard. He also rushed to there.

While the Principal and the chief guest were delivering their speech. Students along with Jaehyuk were trying with all their strengths to keep there eyes open. But you know its no use.
[High schooler facts]

Some of them were Actually listening and trying to find where are the benefits. At the end of the speech everyone knows graduation day speech never ever helps in real life. 16 hours of monotonous study everyday never help if you dont do it with you own interest. All they do is lie.  [High schooler facts pt.2]

"Are you listening?" Chanwoo asked. "You think?" Jaehyuk replied they giggled together. "I don't know I haven't thought about it yet" Jaehyuk replied after Chanwoo asked if he would continue studies or not. "You should hurry up making a decision" Chanwoo adviced him. Jaehyuk hummed in reply.

It's indeed a big decision. Sometimes he thinks he should complete his degrees but Sometimes he gives up. His idol is getting Strenuous day by day. Since he has completed high school entertainment will now make them work harder. It will be hard for him to continue chasing his dream along with studies.

"So what do you think about it?" Chanwoo asked. Jaehyuk came back to the world. "Huh? W-what?" He asked.
"You didn't hear my talking? What are you thinking?" Chanwoo asked. "Nothing just" "Stop over thinking about it dude. Do what comforts you. Cause at the end of the day it's your life" He advised.

Jaehyuk suddenly remembered something he thought to do on this day.
So he hurried after the speech ended.


There she is looking at the sky with a soft and warm gaze. But in a moment it will change after he will be in her sight.

Just as utterance, her gaze turn into a dark one. 'Hi' Jaehyuk uttered. 'Hm' is all he got as a reply.  Jaehyuk sat down beside her. He wanted to say something but it seems like for some reason he didn't. The tension between them emanated second by second.
Jaehyuk decided to break the operable silence.

"So, I wanted to give you the answer" that's it. Y/n's leniency is at the shore now. She was screaming inward. She started to reminisced the crisis from yesterday.

<"Oi! Hyuk" Y/n called for someone. Apparently its her best friend. In Spite of Y/n being a cold shouldered personality, Jaehyuk is a softie which is sweet and melts in a minute. Jaehyuk came at her after she called for her. She was struggling with something inward which her best friend noticed. "I like you" this statement froze him without ceremony. Y/n also froze  after realising what she just stated.
Contrariwise, Jaehyuk is still processing the words pronounced by the girl who is blushing with a cold face. The moments of  blatant silence between them made Y/n feel bewildered. She left the place contempting his obstruct.>

Jaehyuk clearing his throat with a fake cough dragged Y/n to the terra. She stole a glance at the boy sitting next her. "So" He appear to be ready to speak.  "Yesterday you made me anxious when you came up with your feelings and left before I could answer". Yes that was a unexpected occurrence with a unexpected persona which made a unexpected silence and Made Y/n wanting to chop her tongue rest of the night.

"I thought about it and couldn't sleep rest of the night" He spoke. Y/n screaming inside wanting him to continue quickly. "I don't know how much deprecation was in that propound" Y/n's heart inflamed. "But I am staid with the answer" He stopped. Y/n takes a  breath of awe after every full stop of his statements.

"Its Actually awkward saying it straight away on the face. I always thought to express my conception. Well, it's not me. It's just your face. I lose confidence everytime after making eyecontact with you" Y/n cutted him in middle. "Are trying to say I'm scary" First ever sentence spelled by Y/n in this whole jiffy.

"N-no it's not like that" "then jump to the point" "I like you" boy's sudden outburst made Y/n too stunned to speak. "You don't say this things so straightly" Y/n said trying not to become a blushing mess. "B-but you said to come to the point so I-"

"I hate you"

Jaehyuk.exe  has stopped working. "W-what" he said. "Yeah I hate you for being late" Jaehyuk.exe has stopped working for the second turn of time. "How am I late? what do you mean Y/nie" He said.

"Yes you're late. If you had proposed me earlier we could spend time together more. Today we are graduating. After today we will go forward to different paths. You will forget me. Our 'like' phrase would never turn into 'love'. I hate you for that" Y/n's outpouring got Jaehyuk.exe stopped working for the third time in a row.

Y/n raised her gaze from ground to her side to see the boy giggling his heart out. "Why are you laughing?" No outcome. "Hyuk stop before I smack your ugly yet handsome face with my boots and I will show no mercy" boy immediately stopped as a Consequence.
"Continue" the girl ordered in a dominant voice.

"What should I say" Jaehyuk acted like he's thinking. "I like you too". The statement felt like a blissful rhythm to ear. The boy looked at Y/n.
"Why do I feel so blessed?"

Words count: 1177

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