Hyunsuk •Crossing boundaries•

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For my pretty readers , Ilysm<3

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For my pretty readers , Ilysm<3





'I wonder if he's still awake' she thought to herself as she was walking to Hyunsuk's studio. Her wonderful, ambitious, immaculate, pretty boyfriend.
She has never seen more ambitious person in her life before they crossed each others pathway.

She twisted the door nobe as it unlocked with a click revealing the most expected scenery. Hyunsuk sitting on his revolving chair looking the lightened monitor screen which is the only mere aspect of the fading light around the room.

Being best friends from middle school, It wouldn't seem really unusual to anyone else to see them being in a relationship. As for them, it is nothing more than a bizarre, shadowy yet auspicious, desirable adventure of their life which they tend to consider as a gift from the almighty.

"Hyunsuk" she softly approached him as she placed a hand over his stiffened shoulder. His body screamed tiredness under her touch. He was too invested into his works to sense her presence. He slightly flinched from the unexpected touch. As he diverted his eyes to the face of the owner of the hand.

His lips curved into a sublime smile.

"Hey love. How are you?"

he spoke as he hold her hand softly intertwine their finger together.
She could feel the tension in the knuckles of his hands due to holding the mouse for so long. Her eyes fell on the unusual amount of one time use coffee containers 'How much caffeine is he taking these days?' she thought.

"I'm good. What are you doing here at this time may I ask?"

She asked expecting a rational reason.

"Nothing just... had to finish this one"

This was the most raw answer that she was expecting. He had always done this. Pushing himself to the cliff of his tolerance. Neglecting the aftermath of it. Skipping meals over and over and keeping oneself glued to his studio. It's not new. He always does this. She can't blame him though. He is a guardian figure to a big successful musical. He assuredly has a tremendous amount of work to look after.

"Love, its 1.30 in the morning. You need to get some sleep"

She speaked as her words hold concern and affection in her voice.

"Yeah, after I finish this one"

He replied as she looked at the screen. They are the same recording he had been working on from past 3 weeks straight. He has showed her every single of his creation. And she cannot be more proud of him. He had always been hardworking.

"They just kept of declining my offer. Saying this one dont have the potential to put it in a internationally known album. But believe me. I know it is gonna be a hit. My fandom will like it"

He said. She looked at his glorious eyes. Those couldn't speak more of the utter tiredness he's going through. His eyes are red and sleep deprived.

"I believe in you. You've always been making hits. It is already good enough"

She said in assurance.

"I know it. I know what my supporters want from me. They have always liked my works. It's just my superiors don't want believe it. I will surely prove my worth to them"

He said his eyes never left the monitors listening to the recordings over and over. He has always been like a stubborn teenager  when i comes to his music. She admired the ambitious face he had on. She wished there was something she could do to put him on ease.

Being a college student studying in IR, she has absolutely no idea of any of those things. She rubbed her hand in circular motion on his back. Slightly massaged his nape feeling the tensed limbs. He seems to get comfortable to her touch.

"Love, It is enough for today. Let's go back to your dormitory. If you don't get enough sleeps you will soon collapse badly I'm afraid"

Her comforting words seems to show some slight changes. He leaned his back on the chair. Massaging the bridge of his nose. He opened his eyes to look at her. Dime light from the monitor screen had landed on the left side of her face. She had a soft smile that showed nothing but utter affection as warmth spread in his chest.

He slowly blinked and stretched his hands to pull her body closure as he circled his hand around her perfect waist and snuggle his face towards her stomach. In this 2 month of dating this was a little different type of skinship than holding hands and side hugs.

They tried to keep their relation as official as possible and not to cross any boundaries. Being unknown to each others boundaries and desires they ended up keeping themselves foreign to each others affection and touch.

She was taken a back from the sudden skinship. He had never done this before. It gave her a prospect that maybe it was now alright to cross one more boundary.

She cupped his face with both of her face to make him face her. She slowly yet cautiously leaned in and placed her rosy lips on his plumpy ones. It was meant to be a slight peck with meaning and affirmation of her love.

None of them moved their lips, just too cautious to take a step. She was about to pull out afraid about the feedback. But Hyunsuk took the most needed step at that moment. Placing both hand on each of the back of her upper thigh he pulled her on his lap. She gasped at his sudden passion.

Failing to make a decision for where to put her hand she simply put them on either of his shoulders. He kept one hand on her waist and other one on her Left cheek and pulled her into along and passionate kiss. Titled his face in order to deepen the kiss. He sneaked his cold hands in the hem of her shirt. She arched her back a little.

There was a trace of unprofessionalism along with endearment in the skinship. They never had done this before. His touches were gentle and warm.

They both pulled out to catch breath. The silence that spread through the room afterward was so loud. They had never felt so awkward before. Hyunsuk leaned forward and rested his temple on her collarbone as she leaned her cheeks on his head. None of them were ready for any type of words. They made themselves comfortable with the silence.

"Well. That was good"

He chuckled slightly as she hummed.

"Did it help?" She asked softly after a while. Assuring herself that she didn't cross any unusual boundaries.

"A lot"
"A lot more than I expected"

He replied. His hands where circled around her waist pulling her closer. It was something he needed. An unknown warmth he never felt before. Its so desirable. He felt needy and helpless under the warmth. It goes the same with her. She couldn't pull her out of this.

They were drunk. Drunk in love.


She spoke. He hummed in reply.

"Let's to go my apartment. You need to get some sleep"

She said caressing his head as her fingers swim through his gleamy hair. The tip of her ears reddened. He looked over to her. A ear to ear smile spread over his lips and he nodded in affirmation.

"I love you"

There were no better words than this, that could be spoken at that moment.

"I love you more"

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