Mashiho •Soulmates•

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"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY MIND!!" He said while throwing down some photo stands. Those were something he had cherished the most. But now he is destroying them with his own hands. But why? Well.....time chances. He Don't want to focus on something else rather than dragging that person out of his sight and mind.

But no use. Why? Because it isn't someone normal. It was someone who he cherished the most. The most means He never loved someone else like these.
He used to start his day seeing her face. Used to end his day seeing her face. He never imagined her out of his sight. Her smile was the sunshine for him.

While thinking this he aggressively pulled the ring out of his finger ring and threw it on the mirror. It intersect the mirror and went through it. He looked at the broken photo stand. There was his and her photo underneath the broken glass.

He screamed his heart out. His high pitched scream says how hurt he is.
How much the reality hurting him. Picking up a piece of broken glass he looked at it and thought if it sharp enough to cut off his wrist. Then someone came and threw the glass off his hand.

"Are you nuts?! Wake up Already. If she don't need you anymore then why are you ending yourself for her. She don't even care what you do then why are you doing this stupid!?!" Hyunsuk said while shaking him. Trying to wake up him from his hallucination. "Mashiho please!!!" He pleased him. Mashiho looked at him with his blood shot eyes.

"What else am I suppose to do?? Huh????
Do you really think those memories are these cheap?? It is about 6 years. Memories of damn 6 years !!! If her side wasn't real then my side was!!!!!" He replied while jerk off him from Hyunsuk's grip. Hyunsuk couldn't think of something to speak.

Mashiho sat down on the floor. Hyunsuk didn't said anything. Mashiho looked up at him. His eyes were red tears were close to fall. "What did I do to deserve this?" He said to Hyunsuk. His red eyes were screaming how much hurt he is. Hyunsuk sat down beside him. "You should cry" Hyunsuk said, Mashiho couldn't take it anymore he broke down.

His each drop of tears shows how much he loved her. "Have talked to her properly?" Hyunsuk asked. Mashiho hummed in response. "What she said?" Hyunsuk asked. "She didn't talk too much. She just said she has found someone new whom she loves" Mashiho said looking down. "But it's not the Y/n I know" Hyunsuk said. "Would you stop saying her name. I don't want to hear"

Hearing this from Mashiho's mouth breaks Hyunsuk's heart. He just nodded and left Mashiho alone. Since he needs some time alone.


Its been a week since Mashiho and Y/n broke up. Mashiho has stopped going out, eating, working. Everything around him remind him of Her. Even he tries his best he can't forget her. She in his blood, sweet and tears Forgetting her is not a small deal. He started to starve himself.
Hurting himself. Hyunsuk is there but Mashiho never listens to him. Seeing his friend dying little by little hurts him. He don't know what happened to Y/n. But
Y/n Is not like this. He knows something is wrong.


"Please Hyung I don't want to go. Leave me alone". Right now Hyunsuk is trying to take Mashiho out for a walk but He kept on disagree. "I'm serious Mashiho. Do you know how much hurts me seeing you like this. This is not you. Let me tell you clearly, you're going or our friendship is over" Hyunsuk said in a dominant tone.

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