Jeongwoo •Unexpected•

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"Aisshhh. Why does it have to rain now?!!" Jeongwoo said while running for place to hide. He ran a bit and found a almost closed store. It was apparently a library. He stood infront of it and watched the rain pours making everything around him dank in water.

The rain was getting heavier along the weather getting parky. He hugged himself and rubbed his hands together in order to warm them up. He blowed on his hands. His half soaked hoodie was making it more worst. "Why is it pouring so hard in winter" He said in disbelief.

"Caught up in this downpour?" An elder Grandma asked coming out of the store. She looks like she's in his late 60's. "Yeah" Jeongwoo said while rubbing his hands. "Aisshh. Look at you. you will catch cold. Come inside" she said while opening the door throughly.

"No no. I'll immediately leave after rain stops. Don't bother. Thank you" Jeongwoo showed his gratitude. "Kids this days are really shameless. Thoughtlessly turning a grandma down." She said being angry.

"Sorry grandma. I just don't want to bother you" He said trying to deny. "Aissh I've a granddaughter of your age. You can never bother me than her. Come come inside" She said while clutching on his right hand. He couldn't deny the sweet and bubbly grandma and went inside.

The interior of the library was vintage and Decent. It is a library cafe. "Take of your hoodie let it dry until you go" She said and started to walk towards the kitchen. Jeongwoo watched her stepping slowly slowly.

"Aisshhh grandma we are closing in 2 mins why did you bring up him?!" A girl who was wiping window said to her Grandma. "What would I do he was soaking in the rain outside" Grandma said wearing her kitchen apron.

"We don't have any food left. May i know What are you gonna get him?" Y/n waited for her answer. Grandma thought for some moments. "We have some brownie left and I'll make him some hot chocolate with it" Grandma said and happily paced to the kitchen.

Y/n sighed and continued wiping the window.

"I'll be there right after the rain stops" Jeongwoo said and end the call. He scroll through his phone for a bit.
"Here's your brownie and hot chocolate" a black haired girl appeared out of the blue with a food tray. Definitely an average girl. She had dark marks on her hoodie. Might be a clumsy one, probably spilled coffee while making it.
Her looks says, how she didn't try to look more then her. But jeongwoo's cornea were struggling to move on from her.

He felt hypnotism getting all over him by her mesmerising beauty. He was being lost on her tangled black hair, trying not to get out of the puzzle he is in. Her black boba eyes had paths of eternity. She might be not pretty as the miss universe but she is enough to get her name written on the blank space of his heart.

She putting the tray on the table brings him back to the world. "Wait I didn't order anything. I was just waiting for the rain to stop" He tried to explain himself.

"Wait Wait. No need to explain yourself its from my Grandma" Y/n said putting the food on the table. Now that Y/n finally got the full view of his face her eyes widened. She hides her face of exclamation like a pro. "O-oh" Jeongwoo said as Y/n stood there for a brief period of time. She realised she has been staring at him for too long. "Oh sorry I'm making you uncomfortable" Y/n apologised.

"No no it's actually better to have someone here unless I was bored" He said sipping his hot chocolate. Y/n smiled being assured that she wasn't caught staring at him. *Shit, does it mean i should accompany him or just leave*(Y/n thought)

"My Grandma said you were soaking in the rain so she dragged you in" "Yeah actually I was waiting for the rain to stop and she saw. She's so sweet" Jeongwoo replied. "Yeah she does it everyday sometimes twice or thrice a day. She might get us bankrupted one day" Y/n said as both of them laughed. An circumstance of awkwardness took place.

"You go to SOPA?" Y/n Asked out of the blue. "Yeah" "woah we got some idols right here" Y/n said clapping a little.
"No no we are still minor" Jeongwoo said trying to not blush. "You sing your own song and dance to it, this is what idols do. You're a idol" Y/n said trying to prove herself right.

"Yeah that's true. But you know its just things are still really hard for us" He said looking down. "Its totally normal. Every artist faces it" Y/n said "that's also true" he said. "So, what grade are you in?" He asked being curious. "10th grade" she replied immediately. "So am I" Y/n smiled at his reply even though she knows it.

"Umm Would you like to have a chitchat?"
Jeongwoo asked. Y/n felt awkward by his sudden passion. Quickly nodding her head up and down she took a sit in front of him.

They talked about a lot of thing. Their life, their work, etc etc. They didn't even realised that the rain has stopped. Jeongwoo's phone rang. The screen says pappa pig. "Hyunsuk hyung?" He said confused and answered. "Woo where are you the rain stopped 20mins ago and you're still not here. Are you OK?" He said in a breath.

Jeongwoo looked outside the window and realised it has stopped raining and he is doomed. "Don't worry hyung I'm just some step away from Yg building" He said and hurriedly ended the call. "Hey what's wrong" Y/n Asked. "I'm late for practice" He said taking the hoodie.

"How much?" He asked
"The food"
"Oh don't worry we don't charge special people it's free" Y/n said smiling.
"Are you serious right now? Because I'm"
"Don't worry about it" Y/n replied.

"Aisshhh I owe you a lot now" He said in disbelief. "If you really want to pay. Then please come again with your friends" Y/n said Bowing. "I surely will" He said. They waved at each other as the boy left. Y/n watched him for a moment.

"He left already?" Grandma asked looking for him. "Yeah he was running late" Y/n said wiping the table."I couldn't even even his name." Grandma felt sad.
"He's Park Jeongwoo. 17 years old. Goes to SOPA. member of the boy group name 'Treasure'" Y/n said taking the dishes to the kitchen.

"Wait!! Is he someone from the group who sang the song, what does it call?!" She thought for some moment."Your diamond!!" She exclaimed in excitement only to make Y/n broke into laughter.
"Grandma it's not your diamond it's My Treasure" Y/n said laughing.

"Yeah whatever, I'm getting old I can't remember things. Leave that behind.
Is he the one??" She asked the last part with so much hope in Her eyes. Y/n Slowly nodded head smiling. Grandma jumped up and down in happiness. "Will he come here again??" She asked. "He said he surely will" Y/n replied while walking to the kitchen. Grandma jumped one more time.

"Wait I don't have enough money for your wedding gown. We need to save money."
She said tensed running upstairs.
"Wait!! Grandma don't be so intense. It's just a accidental meet" Y/n said loudly from the kitchen. "We don't know the Almighty's plan" Grandma yelled back.

"Aisshhh, Stop running you will hurt your knees" she said while going upstairs.

She smiled at herself.
*Never thought, I would get to meet you like this* Y/n thought as she hummed My treasure while working.

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