Jihoon •All these times•

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For my readers, Ilysm <3

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For my readers, Ilysm <3







'Kisses on knuckles' he wondered. 'Means affection and admiration' pupil enlarged at the macbook screen as he scroll through a concept he finds interesting.
Shoulder stiffened when he felt a unexpected touch.

"What are you watching?"
Closing the macbook with a thud, he looked over his shoulder only to find the owner of the hand.
"Nothing!... Not a thing...Nada"
He blurted out and straighten his sitting position.
"Does not look like nothing to me"
Y/n spoke as she squinted her eyes by 50%.

"Dude ewww" a disgusted whine left her mouth, as she put the two cups of coffee down on the table.
She spoke again as Jihoon gave her a questionable look as he was caught totally off guarded by her sudden repercussion.

"Not in the public bro" She said what seemed like a whisper not wanting to anyone around them to know.
"What do ya?"
"Wait. What? No! Why would I watch freaky stuff in public? How could you think that?" Jihoon spoke in disbelief.

It's not impossible cause its Jihoon. And she believes it with every last drop of blood in her body.
"How could I not? jugding from the way you panicked as I touched you and immediately pressing Esc so I'd not see what you've been invested in from the moment I left to grab coffee. And in addition you're sweating" she spoke nonchalantly wiping some sweat from his temple.

"First of all, I did not panic. I have this really bad shoulder ache from last Friday practice, and second of all there's always some certain things that people want to keep hidden as it can be a impressionable concept to talk on. Third of all I'm sweating because I feel hot"

He said as proceeds to take of his jacket but hissed forthwith due to the shoulder ache.
The third statement proved him absolutely witless it's 12°c right now, And he's wearing a tank top under his jacket. Ain't no way he's feeling hot.

"If you had shown slightest bit of passion towards the undone assignments laying here from last 20 minutes, it would've been done we could go back to campus"
She said pointing at the assignments.
"Fine" He spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"I'm cooked" He said pushing his macbook at the edge of the table and rest his temple on his folded hand.
"Hoon, you haven't even done a page fully" Y/n said as she stole a glance at his monitor.
"I'm out of idea, braincells, glucose, hydration and will to give a damn about this" He mumbled still having his face down on the table.

"This is a 300 words essay. And you haven't even written around 50 words Jihoon" Y/n spoke while working on her own essay. Her eyes never left from the screen. Getting no answer from the person beside her she continued saying, "Jihoon. You know No one forced you in this. You got yourself in this on your own will. And now you're sulking, acting all childish. you could just live your idol life happily without any academic pressure but you choose to do this. Why? You oviously knew how much hardwork it will take to complete a college degree"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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