So Junghwan

289 7 1

•Mɪʟᴇsᴛᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ʟɪғᴇ•
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Requested by :- aesepishere

"So, let's see what this lady has in it" girl said while harshly opening the zip of the bag which she just snatched from its owner. She opened it and poured all the stuff on the ground from inside. "Oppsie... I didnt know you are this poor. I shouldn't have done it. Sorryyyyy. Here take your stuffs Sweetheart" Aera said
While giving Sa Rang her bag back.

Sa rang tried to grab it by her shivering hands. She hold it. But Aera harshly pulled it which Caused Sa rang bang her head on the gelid hard surface. She didn't feel pain. Her body was numb by all those beating. It wasn't new for her.
It's everyday thing. Aera grabbed her hair from behind and pulled them to bring up Sa rang's face.

"You are firm enough to come everyday and to show me your this face. Of which I'm highly disgusted" Aera continued "Well I'm not mad at it. You are a good thing to elicit my anger" with that she harshly pushed Sa rang on the lockers.
They all laughed loudly and walk away.

Sa rang didn't make any movement. Her body felt numb. She felt like she is not alive she is just breathing. She kept sitting on the cold surface hugging her knees and stayed there for some moments. The school bell rang. She slowly stood up and pick her all stuff from the ground and headed to the classroom.

No one will ever stand for her. She's all alone on her path. Everyone scares when they thinks of being friends with her. The reason is Aera. If anybody try to talk to her Aera would come and bully them. But not as much as Sa rang. They bully her severely everyday. She is now used to it. Sa rang gave up on the thought of getting help by someone.

Sometimes she feels like dying. But she can't do it. Whenever she tries to kill herself the thought of her parents come on her mind. How hard they work just to pay her tuition fees. They giving their all to make her study in the most famous school. They don't know how much she suffers. Sa rang don't let them know.

She always thinks no one is there to help her. But she isn't aware of the thing that a pair of blood shot eyes was always there watching her. Who is it?


School ends.
Everyone Is happy about going home. But she isn't. She don't want to go home with this scars. She don't know what type of excuse she would make today about this scars. She took a deep breath and started walking slowly. While walking she bumped into someone. She didn't want to but raised her head to see the person.

"Hi. Noona" a boy with bright smile on his face greeted her. She couldn't smile back. Its like she has forgotten to smile.
She just started to walk again. "Well. I don't know the reason of your sadness but it won't last long. Don't worry" she heard the boy yelling this to her. She felt a little happy but the chapter name Aera in the life never let her feel happy. She just walk away not caring The person.

☯︎"Dont worry love. I won't let you suffer anymore" ☯︎


Next day morning. The sun is already up.
Everyone is ready to leave for their own businesses. Same goes to Sa rang. The lengthy night feels like blink to her. Her body is still sore from yesterday. Her heart don't want to leave her bed. But her brain says get up. However as always
She prioritise her brain.


After she arrived at the school she was expecting everything like other days.
She went to her locker. Expecting to seeing it destroyed. But no its well arranged. She was stupefied. Then someone tapped her back. She already knew who is it. Turned around expecting a hard slap on her cheek. But nothing happened.

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