Doyoung •Moonlit•

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"Eomma said Ajummah will be late
today so come to our house after school"
Doyoung said to the certain girl handing over a peach milk to her. "Oh ok" Y/n replied taking that.

Then He walked to his friends. "Don't you think he treats you differently?" Jinni said taking her head out of The language book.

"Huh? Dobby?" Y/n asked pointing at the certain person she just alluded. "Yeah even nicknames" Jinni said leaning over her right elbow.

"Yeah, He's my childhood friend?" Y/n said since its the most bizarre question anyone ever asked her.
"Yeah!" "Ok stop this kardashian drama"
"Yeah" Jinni said as Y/n made a disgusted

"But it's crystal clear that you both have feelings for each other" "like more than friends" Jinni added. "This is why I warned you to stop watching kardashians. You're literally turning into one of them asking

the most bizarre questions in a most unusual way" Y/n said glaring as she took a sip from her peach milk. "Would you stop Dragging in this" "Why should I?" Y/n Asked for the logic behind it.

"Aisshhh....look Y/nie. I dont know why you cant see it. But He treats you totally different from other girls."
"Doyoungie can you help me with this one. I'm really bad at it" A scheming voice interrupted their conversation.

"Here's my notebook copy from it" He said handing over his notes. "Can I have this too??" Another one asked. "You can't have that but can copy from it" He said putting on an awkward smile at the end.

Y/n felt a little envious resentment of her achieving Doyoung's attention. "These girls a-" "Dobby!" Jinni's words got interrupted because of Y/n's sudden burst. "Yeah" Doyoung replied looking at the certain person's direction.

"I need you to help me with this" Y/n said in a dominant way. "Kk" Boy said as he walked towards Y/n. Jinni
Checked y/n head to toe and smirked seeing the jealousy.

"So, the minus would turn into a plus after switching the sides. And it's just basics afterwards you can do it on your own" Doyoung standing up. "Okie dokie" Y/n said closing the book. "Dobby, I'm done with this.

If you want can we do a group study?" That scheming girl from
Before came to Doyoung. But that didn't bother Y/n more than The girl calling Doyoung by the nickname she gave him.
Y/n was enraged. The girl has became
Y/n's arch Nemesis.

"Thank you. But don't call me dobby" the boy said as Y/n raised her head. "But why? That's a cute name" the scheming girl asked pouting [Cringe trigger warning]. "Its indeed a cute nickname. But it's a special name given by a special person.

So, it's better if it stays reserved for them" Doyoung said in a most polite way possible. "O-ok" The girl said a left.
Y/n is flabbergasted. Blushing mess. That special person is Oviously her because she is the one who gave that name.

She hide her head in her elbow and leaned on the table. "Hey aren't you going to take your lunch?" Doyoung asked Y/n.

"You go I'll come after" She said hiding her face in her elbow. She left her face to see if he has gone. "GOD!" "What you doing here?! I thought you left" Y/n freaked out when she saw Jinni staring at her sitting right beside her.

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