Junkyu •Confession•

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"Hyuuunngg. Could do this faster. My legs are feeling numb now" Junkyu whined at Hyunsuk. Today is weekend and They needed some groceries for their dorm. So, Hyunsuk and Junkyu came to pick them up. Junkyu is tired because its been 1 hour they are here. He's standing for a long time already and Hyunsuk is taking a lot of time to pick up the last things.

"Wait a moment. I can't find the candies which Hwanie asked me to buy" Hyunsuk said while looking for the those candies for baby Hwan. Junkyu whined one more time. since its Hwan he can't say something.

Junkyu decided to look for something to drink. So he left Hyunsuk with the van full of groceries and went to the drinks corner. He took a bottle of Kombucha
And started walking straight to Hyunsuk.


While walking he saw a girl. Who is trying to grab a water bottle of 5 litter from the highest self. It doesn't matter how hard she tries because she is short in hight. Junkyu was standing there blankly watching her. After 15sec of watching her his sense of humour hit him that he should help her.

So he went to her and grabbed the bottle for her. He brought in down and smiled at her. "Where to put it?" He asked. The girl first stared at him blankly and then said, "Oh. Thank you. No problem. You can give to me." The girl said showing her gratitude. He blinked twice. He can see that she has a tons of packets on her two hand. But still she is trying to keep it cool.

"Well, I see your both hands are busy so I might help" Junkyu said. She realised that he is right and laughed nervously.
"Well. I just realised. Thanks for your help. Bring it to the counter with me"
The girl said while processing to walk.
Junkyu also started to walk with her to the counter.


They went to the counter. Junkyu put it on the counter. The girl again thanked him. "Junkyu where were you? I was finding you everywhere" Hyunsuk came with the van of full groceries. "Oh hyung I went to grab a drink" Junkyu said as he began to help him with the groceries.

They finished checking. They paid and went to their car.
They finished putting the stuffs in the back of the car. Junkyu looked at the car which was infront of their car while closing the lead of car trunk. He wasn't wearing mask since he was now out of the store. He saw someone known.

He was thinking deeply whom he saw just now. When someone approached him. "Wait a moment....aren't you junkyu? From Seocho High school?" The girl whom he helped asked him all of
A sudden. Junkyu blinked twice or more than that. "Ani.....aahh....Yes I'm but who are you?" Junkyu said the last sentence in a low voice being confused.

"I'm Y/n!" The girl said while pulling down the mask from her face. Junkyu immediately realised who is it. He got nervous. "O-oh. What a coincidence!"
Junkyu said. Avoiding eyecontact.
"Everything aside. First tell why did you dropout all of a sudden? And besides you got totally disconnected from me. I was clueless and afraid of what have happened to you" Y/n Asked hitting him on his left hand.

He hissed and put hand on the place she just hitted. "Sorry. It's just that..... I mean.... I was transferred from there. For some reasons" Junkyu said trying to sound cool but failed. Y/n gave him a unsatisfactory look. "What are doing these days?" Y/n Asked excited. "U-oh. Me? I've debuted in YG" Junkyu said.

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