Jihoon •Frenemy•

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It's currently 7.20 in the morning. The girl name Y/n is standing at the bus stop.
She is waiting for her best Frenemy. Yes frenemy because that person is her best friend from the very first. And also enemy because he never miss a chance to annoy her..

Not so long ago. That day Y/n and he was in the chemistry lab. Y/n was working on a project totally focused on the Research.
He didn't miss the chance and put bleach at the end of her hair. Which caused her hair turned blonde from the middle to the end. Since she hated blonde hair she had to cut her long gleamy hair short.

To take revenge she played the video between the annual function oratory of him putting cockroach on the bag of our principal mam. He had to clean the whole washroom for 15 days for doing that.

It's not a big deal for them doing stupid things over and over. If one hits with a tiny stone another would launch a whole missile as revenge.

Like One day he putted a lizard made of wax on y/n's lunch So y/n putted super glue on his chair which cause his pants ripped middle of the class.

Teachers also knows their character. Every single time any error occurs in any corner of the school Teachers always suspects them. And it always turns out the two of them did it.
Sometimes they get punished.

Sometimes not since they are the class topper and their parents are the biggest shareholders of their school.

But When it comes to their safety or heath they always takes care of each other. However, crisis is their middle name. They can't do anything in normal way.

Last month Y/n was having a high fever. The fever wasn't recovering. So her frenemy thought to help her. He called her and pretend to got in a serious accident. Y/n got scared to death. She didn't delay a second and hurried to the place.

She reached there and find him smiling cheekily with a completely fine body. She understand that it was a plan to annoy her so didn't say anything and kicked him on the stomach.

After beating him for 5 min. She let him speak. He said he did it to recover her from fever. For running so much she sweated a lot and her high Fever went down..

These are some examples of their frenemy relationship. Deep inside they always care for each other but none of them wants to show it.

So today Y/n is waiting for her beloved frenemy because the previous day he stole her assignment and said he needs it for his assignment and he will return it today. She don't believe him for a single second. So she decided to wait for him at the bus stop.

He was late. Y/n was dozing off while standing. "Hey sloth whatchu doing here?" Someone said knocking her head from the back. "Aishh you surprised me donkey" Y/n said rubbing the back of her head.

"Why are you here? Waiting for your
Mr. Sloth?" Jihoon asked laughing.
Y/n made a disgusted face and said, "who the fuck is even Mr. Sloth. Leave it I was waiting for you donkey" Y/n said.

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