Asahi •Cingulomania•

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"So what did you do with other corpse?"
Saying that she increased the force on his throat with her hand. "I-i d-dont" Being asphyxiated man couldn't uttar words throughly. "Stop ly-" "Y/n leave him" a conversant voice stopped her.
"But he's-" "Dont Talk back" the domination in his voice made Y/n stop her action.

"Son of a bitch" saying she pushed him on the ground harshly. The man fidgeted to breathe oxygen.

"Why did you stop me?" Y/n whimper while walking along with the person who stopped her before. "Do you really think your actions were helping?" He said while looking at those reports he just got from the cops.

"They will never broach anything without torture" she stated. "You nearly killed him" He said stopping a bit giving her a annoyed look. "Don't give me this kinky look. I was scaring him a bit" she said getting in the car. "Yeah like you did to Hodaka" He said starting the car.

"Asahi would you stop bringing back that crisis. That was different" "Yeah then Minamoto and Kyushi" She put earpods in to overlook the constrained silence.

A very brief period of time passed.


"What do you want?" Asahi said pulling the break at the Starbucks takeaway. Getting nothing but silence as a feedback he ordered the regular cup.
"I know you're Surprised that I didn't grapple between oat milk and almond milk today" a semblance of confidence could sense in his assertion.

"Im not surprised about it" She said sipping her coffee. He looked at her raising his eyebrow. "I'm surprised that you still failed to remember it's not almond milk it's oat milk. I'm allergic to almond" She said with a annoyed stare.

He failed to utter anything. "Give me my epipen" "ok" He said taking the epipen from the glove box. She shot her with it.
And placed it back in its place. "You always have it here" "because I know I'm gonna mess up anyway" She stole a glance and laughed a bit.


"Listen. You know. I know. Everyone
knows that guy is hiding something"
"Hmm. So?"
"Why the cops still isn't taking any step?"
"What type of step. You recommend?"
Y/n just huffed being defeated.
"Solving murder case isn't something
that you'll Complete in one day. It takes
"We have been restlessly working for 2
Weeks already 3 people have already
lost their lives" Y/n said. Asahi kept on
Reading the files.

"I wanted to ask you something" Y/n said
staring at her phone screen. Getting
silence as the approval to ask she
continued. "Why did you take Anzen as
your masquerade?" She asked with
curiosity. Since Silence came as a reply
she again said "I'm just curious since
Anzen means Something dark, gloomy,
bad etc."

"Yeah I know your personality is
somehow Eerie, arcane or in simple word
ummm" she tried to think of an unerring
word "Enigmatic" He said flipping pages
of the reports. "Yeah whatever it is" she
said as he placed the reports on the
table infront of him and lean against the

"Anzen was a name I got from my dad"
she looked at him more curiously. "As
His utterance I am a kind of person who
Can hurt, kill, cut someone into pieces
Due to my curiosity" He said. "What if
I..means someone you're closer to
becomes the victim of your curiosity?"
"I'm not sure. It depends on the situation"
She backed off nodding. The doorbell
Rang as Y/n went to see who's there.

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