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Kylo Ren takes the parcel from Hux's hands before the latter has the chance to offer it

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Kylo Ren takes the parcel from Hux's hands before the latter has the chance to offer it. Hux sends me a subtle look of annoyance as Ren opens the box and takes the finely cut Kyber Crystal out. He holds it to the light as though hoping to see something inside.

Snoke watches from his throne as Hux and I kneel before him. Ren keeps walking, moving into the center of the room like he owned it. He knew he was untouchable.

He takes out his lightsaber and pries it open, taking a smaller, lighter colored Crystal out of its housing. He tosses that aside carelessly, and I watch as it rolls off the platform into the dark void on either side of the throne room's walkway.

He slots in the new crystal and closes the housing. When he fires up the saber, the beam hisses and spits, and the handle trembles. Then Ren hisses in pain and drops the weapon. The blade goes out, revealing the handle glowing red hot. He cradles his hand in pain.

Snoke smiles slowly and draws another handle from his robe. He tosses it to Ren, who catches it with his spare hand. He examines it for a moment.

"Crossguard style?" He asks.

"That crystal is powerful and unstable. It needs vents in order to stay cool. The crossguards provide this ventilation. I find it will be a suitable weapon for you."

Hux and I watch as Ren rips open his old saber with almost feverish demand to get the crystal into the new one. When he powers on the blade, red light fizzes in barely contained beams. Three - one main and two small guards right over where he holds. When he swings the saber, the air sparks. It is more powerful.

"Thank you, Supreme Leader Snoke." Ren says. "I will treasure this weapon."

"I'm sure you will." Snoke smiles. "It will no doubt serve you well." He turns away, seeming to gaze upon Hux and I still kneeling for just a moment. "Almost as well as you have served me."

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