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"Shade, I need to tell you something

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"Shade, I need to tell you something." Hux says via the comm, silent as he stares out the great window before him at the pillar of red that streams across the sky.

"What is it?"

"I have committed a terrible sin." Hux exhales, tucking his hands behind his back, and I notice his fingers tremble for a moment. "Before I fired the weapon, I sent Hosnian Prime a message."

I move closer, the view outside bloody and red-washed from the beam. Ranks of Stormtroopers do drills right next to the raging beam.

"It was composed of only simple, ancient codes." Hux tells me softly. "I told them to run."

I turn to look at him, and he stares bleakly into the glow of his creation.

"I did not give them much time. We fired soon after. But I figured that maybe... maybe if I gave them a chance to escape..."

"Does anyone else know?"

No one." Hux turns, and there are tears in his eyes. "I just... we fired on the Hosnian System, not just Prime. That is four other planets that were annihilated."

"We have to pretend." I tell him. "We have to pretend that we are glad. And if anyone made it off of those planets, then we consider that a victory."

The beam dies, ending abruptly, and the sudden darkness and silence is like I've been plunged underwater. Hux sways slightly.

"I can do that." He whispers aloud. I hold out my hands and he places his in mine. I lace our fingers, and he stares down at them.

"We can pretend." I repeat. "Any victory, no matter how small, is still a win."

He pulls our hands to his chest, weakly attempting to hide the fact that another tremor rocks through him. For a moment, my vision from 9 years ago flashes into view - shining silver threads, great cosmic bonds - and I swear the tears in his eyes are that same starry grey.

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