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Snoke looms over us, a massive, flickering hologram. He assesses us all, remaining silent while we kneel. I look up at his massive form, feeling my fingers shiver into claws.

"The pilot escaped..?" He finally draws out, voice soft.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Hux says, staring down at the floor. "With the droid."

"How did they escape?"

"A stormtrooper defected, and helped Dameron escape. They took a TIE Fighter, tried to jump away, but I wounded part of the ship and it crash landed onto Jakku. From what I saw, there were no survivors." I tilt my head slightly. "For this error I take full responsibility."

"General." Snoke says, and Hux jumps. "The strategy must change."

"I believe it is time to demonstrate the power of the weapon." Hux dares to rise, facing Snoke. "A demonstration of Starkiller base would cow any Rebel groups."

"What target are you planning on firing upon?" Snoke asks, and Ren straightens at the interest in his voice.

"The Republic. Hosnian System. For too long they have supported the Rebellion. Without the government behind them, the Resistance will crumble, and we can take whatever we want from the wreckage."

Snoke reclines backwards, robe shifting about his form, and considers his words.

"Go. Oversee preparations. Fire when ready. Shade, return with the General and lend your wings. I believe a full scale show of power would be nice."

I nod to his words.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Hux bows and exits the room.

"Ren, a moment." Snoke says, and I glance back at him as he waves Hux and me away. As soon as the doors close behind us, Hux exhales swiftly.

"At last my work will culminate in the glorious machine." Hux smiles, but there's something cold and afraid in his eyes. "I have to make a grand speech. Will you accompany me?"

"Which form?" I ask, and he looks away, swallowing hard.

"The one with wings and teeth." He says quietly. I shrug, having expected it.

"I will come with all the ferocity I have."

"Thank you." Hux murmurs, and I leave him thinking in the hallway as I head to the hanger to prepare a ship.

It was silly of me to think he cared for me any more than for the damage I could cause.

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