15 - SCENE

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The prisoner is called Poe Dameron, and he is a lost lead

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The prisoner is called Poe Dameron, and he is a lost lead. Ren interrogated him, and Dameron revealed he gave the map to his droid - a BB-8 unit.

"A droid on Jakku will not be hard to find." I say, crossing my arms as Ren paces across the room.

"Jakku can be tough if the droid is found by the scrap collectors." Hux says, twisting a silencer on and off of his blaster in a nervous habit. "They might already have dismantled it."

He exhales, twisting the silencer on with a final definitive click, and tucks the weapon away.

"I will put a bounty on the droid, and dispatch soldiers to comb the land. They'll search for the droid. In the meantime, see if you can get anything out of the Rebel soldier. Poe Dameron is a higher-level - he might have valuable information."

Ren inclines his head, shockingly unargumentative, and stands up. Then an alarm blares out, and I rush to my feet.

The door pulls open as I slap the button and race towards the faint sounds of blaster fire. I arrive at a hangar bay to see Poe Dameron and an unmasked Stormtrooper firing at anyone around them. They back into a parked TIE Fighter, and then the engines hum as it awakens to life.

The hatch is open as I break into a sprint, many limbs and wings falling into place, and the Stormtrooper screams "no!" like he knows what is about to happen. I stretch out my claws and they seize on empty air as the Fighter darts forwards, just out of reach. I skid into the wall and rebound, shoving myself into space and stretching my wings wide, grasping into the streams of the Force. The TIE Fighter is a tiny blip firing at the main cannons on the Finalizer, and I arch after it.

"We've got radio communication with the Fighter." Hux tells me. "I'll patch them in."

Yelling immediately erupts over the silence of space.

"What is that thing?!" Poe shouts, and I let a grin grace my jaws. "It's in space with us!"

"That's the Shade, I didn't know it was so close!" The Trooper bemoans. "Rebel, you need to shoot it! Hit it, hit it!" His voice rises as I appear before the craft, slashing my claws and tearing a piece of the hexagonal wing. The ship spirals sideways, and both men are screaming in unison as they dive down towards the planet.

The Fighter is still shooting, trying needlessly to aim for me, and I chase it down, dodging the wayward shots easily. One does impact on my shoulder, shaking me slightly, but dissipating on my scales.

"Direct hit!" Poe calls.

"I don't think it's that easy!" The trooper screams back, unable to stop the ship as it dives towards the sandy surface of Jakku.

"Oh my GOD-" Poe starts as I dive again, catching up with the speeding craft and slashing again, taking off one of the wings completely.

"Trooper FN-2187 is correct." Hux says quietly, and both of them go quiet. "It is not that easy."

The trooper takes in a single, terrified breath, and then the ship hits. I flare my wings and pull from the dive, my talons skating the sand, and wheel above as smoke fills the air. Silence fills the call, humming static in the background, and then Hux cuts communication with the broken ship.

"They're gone." I announce to him, and pull myself back into the sky.

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