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The conference room silences when Kylo Ren walks in

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The conference room silences when Kylo Ren walks in. Partially because he's the Supreme Leader, and partially because he wears a rebuilt version of that hated mask of his, forged with thin glowing red lines where the pieces fit back together. Hux sends me a look.

Ren sits at the head of the table, surveying all the people in attendance. I of course, am not seated, but am the muscle of the First Order. I get to lurk in the background and examine my claws for amusement while the big boys talk.

"From what I've seen on Exegol, the First Order is about to become a new Empire." Ren begins, and then he turns to face Hux. "I sense unease about my appearance, General."

"About the mask? No, Supreme Leader, well done."

"I think it's cool. The red really matches the lightsaber." I offer, and Ren turns to stare at me, trying to figure out if I'm serious or sarcastic.

"I like it." Commander Parnadee says. She's the only woman at the table, but if this makes her nervous, she does not show it. If anything, she wears it like armor.

"Excuse me, sir," Commander Quinn interrupts the compliments. "...but these allies on Exegol seem like a cult. Conjurers and Soothsayers." He glances around, his gaze purposefully avoiding me. Quinn is not the greatest towards people with power. My existence makes him hate me. A pity I cannot skewer him.

Enric Pryde straightens up, slapping his hands on the table.

"They've conjured legions of Star Destroyers." He says spitefully. "The Sith fleet will increase our resources 1000-fold. Such range and power will correct the error of Starkiller base."

Hux and Pryde lock eyes, trading hatred. I do not even know why Pryde is so angry about the base - perhaps it's jealousy that young Hux got chosen to lead, and not seasoned pre-Empire Pryde. Either way, Pryde despises Hux.

"We will have to increase recruitment." Commander Engell says. "Gather more of the galaxy's young."

"Is this fleet a gift? A bribe? What are they asking for in return?" Quinn asks, crossing his arms. "What do you need to do to win the favor, Sup-"

The Force barrels across the table, and Quinn is yanked backwards, both hands going to his neck. Ren has stood, hand outstretched, and Quinn chokes, gasping and begging for air.

Hux and I lock eyes as Quinn dies, and Ren drops his body to the ground.

"Prepare to crush any worlds that defy us." Ren snarls. "I am going hunting for the scavenger."

"That is our signal." Hux tells me grimly. "We act tomorrow."

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