Chapter 1: Rise to the Occasion

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Descent into Infinite Mysteries is a first person story of our protagonist, Cain Watanabe, a 16 year old boy on a journey to discover himself and uncover the world of martial arts his father left behind. Cain Watanabe is 5'11, has shoulder-length black hair that is kept slicked back, dark brown eyes, and a toned physique. This story takes place in the year 2033, and is set in Austell, Georgia. It has been 8 years since Joseph Watanabe, Cain's father, has suddenly disappeared...and Cain is just now beginning his journey to seek his answers.

Chapter 1: Rise to the Occasion

A pearlescent sky shines brightly across my eyes as my senses adjust to the vast landscape before me. I look at my feet and watch as my feet cause the multicolored crystalline floor to flicker dimly, causing a small burst of light as I take a step. My eyes are brought back to the distant horizon, watching the glow of the sky.

"What is this place? Why does it seem so"

As my words leave my lips, my eyes focus on the distance to a dark figure, turning their head in my direction. I reach my hand out as I walk closer, but my body doesn't move an inch.

"Who are you? What's going on?!"

Before I'm able to try and see what the figure in the horizon is, the muscles in my right leg contract and I fall to the ground.

My eyes shoot open and I'm back in my bedroom, on the floor next to my bed that's just a bit too small.

"God damn it...a charley horse right in the middle of a dream? How fucking convenient."

The familiar sound of a broomstick hitting the ceiling below me thuds throughout my room as I hear my mom shout for me.

"Cain you're gonna be late for school! Get your ass up!"

Of I wish I could just skip school today...this goddamn math test is practically staring me down even in the safety of my bedroom. The charley horse that was violating my leg ceases and I'm able to stretch my legs and stand.

"Yawn...I'll just take my time..."

My usual morning routine hasn't changed much. I take my vitamin D supplements and prep my body with some light exercise. Some light stretches to prime blood flow and fully wake me up. After about 15 minutes of some light calisthenics, I hop into the shower and wash off my sweat.

I get dressed and grab my backpack, heading downstairs and sitting at the kitchen table. There's already a plate of food and a glass of milk waiting for me.

"Thanks for breakfast, mom."

I grab my fork and knife, cutting into my eggs, washing down my first bite with a gulp of milk.

Mom sits across from me with her own plate.

"Cain, you know you have that math test today, right?"

"Uh huh..."

I take another bite of eggs, and a chomp of my toast.

"Did you study for it? The guidance counselor said that you need to raise those grades up or you might get held back a grade..."

Ugh...what's even the point? I don't want to waste my time learning some bullshit math, let alone science or English.

"Sure, yeah. I studied a bit last night."

I feel an itch crawl up my spine as I'm staring at my plate, and I flitch my body to the left. The fork mom was holding is flung into the wall behind me, scuffing it as it lands on the floor.

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